AVISO 13.11. PK with AK President Anderl and AK Director Hruska-Frank: This is how the welfare state should be!

2023-11-06 16:29:04

Vienna (OTS) The welfare state is the secure ground on which we stand, it is the foundation on which our society is built. He accompanies us through all situations in life. And: It helps us get back on our feet in emergencies – whether you become sick or unemployed, whether a company needs short-time work support or a farmer needs support when switching to organic farming.

The Vienna Chamber of Labor, together with many experts in many areas, has identified the challenges for a modern welfare state and developed visions of how working and living conditions for employees can be improved.

The best welfare state in the world for everyone who lives here does not have to remain a utopia. We know how it works.

Please note: Press conference “This is how the welfare state should be!” with Renate Anderl, AK President and Silvia Hruska-Frank, AK Director

Monday, November 13, 2023, 9:30 a.m

AK media room in the Plößlgasse office building, 6th floor

1040, Plößlgasse 2

You can also follow the press conference via live stream at w.ak.at/somusssocialstaat. You can send questions via email to michael.mayer@akwien.at.

We are pleased to welcome a representative to your editorial team.

PK with AK President Anderl and AK Director Hruska-Frank: This is how the welfare state should be!

The welfare state is the secure ground on which we stand, it is the foundation on which our society is built. He accompanies us through all situations in life. And: It helps us get back on our feet in emergencies – whether you become sick or unemployed, whether a company needs short-time work support or a farmer needs support when switching to organic farming.

The Vienna Chamber of Labor, together with many experts in many areas, has identified the challenges for a modern welfare state and developed visions of how working and living conditions for employees can be improved.
The best welfare state in the world for everyone who lives here does not have to remain a utopia. We know how it works.

Please note: Press conference “This is how the welfare state should be!” with Renate Anderl, AK President and Silvia Hruska-Frank, AK Director

Datum: November 13, 2023, 9:30 a.m

Ort: AK media room in the Plößlgasse office building, 6th floor
Plößlgasse 2, 1040 Vienna, Austria


Questions & Contact:

Vienna Chamber of Labor
Michael Mayer

#AVISO #President #Anderl #Director #HruskaFrank #welfare #state



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