November 7, 1993: The “Liberal Forum”, founded by Heide Schmidt and four other MPs who left the FPÖ, formally becomes a party

2023-11-06 23:53:16

On Tuesday, November 7th, the book of history records, among other things:

1918: The Wittelsbach dynasty, which had ruled since 1180, was overthrown in Munich. Kurt Eisner, head of the Independent Social Democrats (USPD), proclaims the republican “Free People’s State of Bavaria”. King Ludwig III and his wife Marie Therese from Austria-Este flee at the last minute from the Spartacists in an automobile to Wildenwart in Chiemgau.
1938: In Paris, the 17-year-old Polish Jew Herschel Grynszpan, whose parents were expelled from Germany by the Nazis, shoots the German Legation Secretary Ernst von Rath. The assassination attempt on the diplomat gave those in power in Berlin the reason for a long-planned anti-Semitic smear campaign that led to nationwide pogroms on November 9th. SA thugs systematically destroy Jewish institutions.
1948: Roadblocks are set up at the borders between the Soviet sector and Berlin’s western sectors, and sector crossing is only possible at six checkpoints.
1963: Millions of people will witness on television the rescue of eleven miners who have been trapped in the Mathilde ore mine in Lengede for 14 days.
1968: In West Berlin, the “Nazi hunter” Beate Klarsfeld slaps the German Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger in order to draw public attention to his National Socialist past.
1973: The US Congress, over President Nixon’s veto, passes the War Power Act, which restricts the president’s right to send troops abroad.
1973: The USA and Egypt announce the establishment of diplomatic relations and the exchange of ambassadors.
1993: The “Liberal Forum”, founded by the Third President of the National Council and former liberal presidential candidate Heide Schmidt and four other MPs who left the FPÖ, including former Defense Minister Friedhelm Frischenschlager, will formally become a party.
1993: Formula 1 champion Alain Prost (France) ends his career as a four-time world champion in Adelaide, Australia.
2003: The German Federal Council, dominated by the CDU/CSU opposition, is removing key components from the 2010 reform agenda of the red-green government of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder.
2008: Friedrich Stickler resigns as President of the Austrian Football Association (ÖFB). Stickler, who cites professional reasons for his withdrawal and rules out a connection with the poor performance of the national team, succeeded Beppo Mauhart in April 2002. The 75-year-old vice-president Kurt Ehrenberger will lead the association on an interim basis until new elections are held at an extraordinary general meeting in early 2009.

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Birthdays: Francisco de Zurbarán, Spanish painter (1598-1664); Lise Meitner, Eastern-Swedish physicist (1878-1968); Sir Chandrasekhar Raman, Indian Physicist; Nobel Prize 1930 (1888-1970); Konrad Lorenz, Eastern behaviorist; Nobel Prize 1973 (1903-1989); Albert Camus, French writer; Nobel Prize 1957 (1913-1960); Billy Graham, US preacher (1918-2018); Elisabeth Schwarz, German actress (1938); Joni Mitchell, Canadian. Singer (1943); Bert Rürup, German economist (1943); A. Michael Spence, US economist (1943); Ottfried Fischer, German actor (1953).
Date of death: Francis Lai, Fr. Film composer (1932-2018).
Name days: Engelbert, Malachias, Willibrord, Brünhilde, Ernst, Karina, Peter, Florentius, Rufus.

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