Ganymede’s Salts and Organic Compounds: New Findings by NASA’s Juno Spacecraft Unveiled

2023-11-06 22:01:26

Scientists have concluded new facts regarding what NASA’s Juno spacecraft discovered of salts and organic compounds on the surface of Ganymede. The largest moon of Jupiter, and the largest moon in our solar system, during a flyby of Juno in June 2021, as reported by the Russia Today website. “We found the greatest abundances of salts and organics in the dark and bright terrain at latitudes protected by the magnetic field,” said Juno principal investigator Scott Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. “This indicates that we are seeing the remains of a deep ocean brine that has reached the surface of this frozen world.” The presence of these salts and organic compounds might indicate the presence of hydrothermal activity deep beneath the icy surface of Ganymede. Scientists wrote these conclusions in a report published by the journal Nature Astronomy on October 30.
#Deep #thermal #activity #beneath #ice #Jupiters #largest #moon

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