How to take advantage of the attractive entry points in the real estate market with SCPIs?

2023-11-06 16:45:00

In the current economic landscape, recognizing the exceptional opportunity that presents itself in the real estate market is a major asset. It is also the ideal time to invest in real estate using SCPIs (Sociétés Civiles de Placement Immobilier). How to take advantage of this attractive entry point in the real estate market thanks to SCPI ?

Timely “low points”

Despite high interest rates, the real estate market already offers “points bas“. There are therefore attractive opportunities for investors. These opportunities are found in particular on international real estate markets and in specific sectors (hotels, commerce, logistics, etc.). The latter have already suffered a loss of revaluation making them less vulnerable to decreases in value.

Investing in opportunistic SCPIs

To maximize your gain, you must wisely choose SCPIs and managers who minimize their exposure to depreciating assets due to rising rates. Also opt for SCPIs with a high collection capacity thanks to their strategic positioning. SCPIs that combine these two characteristics are among the new European SCPIs and the SCPI specialized in health and logistics.

Diversify your investments thanks to thematic SCPIs

We can not emphasize this enough : consider diversifying your investments through thematic SCPIs. These SCPIs focus on growing sectors (health, logistics, hotels and even commerce). This approach makes it possible to reduce the risk of capital loss while exploiting growth opportunities in sectors whose projects offer the assurance of a long lifespan.

Pay particular attention to subscription and management fees which can reach a relatively high amount (up to 12%). Acquiring shares in SCPI is always interesting, but not at any price. You must take into account all these parameters in addition to the distribution rate (rental yield over a year which is expressed as a percentage) in order to select the best SCPI.

Evaluate the performance of SCPIs from a long-term heritage perspective

Past and future performance

When you invest in SCPIs, it is essential to keep in mind that past performance does not guarantee future performance. To make an informed assessment of the performance of SCPIs, take into account determining and interdependent factors such as yield, income stability and growth potential.

Comparison with other financial products

Direct rental investment, SCI (real estate company), LMNP (non-professional furnished rental)… so many financial products that compete with SCPIs by offering equally attractive tax advantages.

THE SCI allow certain rules relating to inheritance tax to be circumvented by avoiding the sale of real estate. In fact, the division of properties takes place into shares at the time of transfer.

For the case of LMNP, you just need to meet certain simple conditions: not be registered with the RCS (Register of Commerce and Companies) and receive rental income of less than €23,000. You will also take care to choose an advantageous tax regime (micro bic or real).

With l’direct purchase, you have total control over the management of your property. This can offer potential for long-term capital gains if the value of the property increases. On the other hand, taxation is less advantageous since the income generated through rents is subject to income tax without the tax advantages of other options.

Call on professionals

Finally, to succeed in your SCPI investments, calling on competent asset managers is an important step, if not essential. Choose experts who offer a wide range of SCPIs rather than those who only work with a single management company. This approach will allow you to access a wider range of investment opportunities.

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