2023-11-06 04:05:00
The Rand’Haut-Gévaudan association was in an ordinary general meeting on Saturday November 4. President Babeth Selier presented the moral and activity reports for the year, they were expanded, with two distinct missions. The creation and promotion of an alternative to the road to Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, from the Sauvage estate to the Aubrac domerie. These 90 km aim to show hikers that Compostela was present in many other places than those offered by the GR 65. For them it is an opportunity to discover the richness of the historical and natural heritage of the route, available on the Viso rando app under the name On the forgotten paths of Saint-Jacques.
The organization of hiking trails every month and the clearing of abandoned paths in order to preserve the network of ancestral trails are the wealth of the association. It’s also a way to create social connections and involve people in preserving the environment.
Since 2022, a partnership has been signed with the Margeride tourist office in Gévaudan and the CCTAMA to ensure the marking of secure hiking routes and participate in the promotion of the territory and tourist attractiveness. Also participating in the Rando gourmande and Pink October.
A Rand’haut-gévaudan Facebook page has been created to disseminate the association’s information.
The financial report has a positive balance sheet thanks to the collection of contributions from 45 new members, the marking of trails and a donation of €250 from the Rando gourmande of the Malzieu fairground committee, which was thanked.
Renewal of the board of directors, planned every three years. Resignation of Colette Gerzain, substitute treasurer replaced by Patrick Blancon. Karine Kisiel also joins the board of directors.
In 2024, a new path is proposed to be reopened on Paths Day in March; continue the hikes open to all each month, and the marking work in conjunction with the tourist office and CCTAMA; organize a friendly day aimed at bringing together all the members and making others want to join the association.
Correspondent Midi Libre: 06 08 22 35 69
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