Vaping and Oral Health: The Risks of ‘E-Smoker’s Tongue’ and More

2023-11-05 17:02:40

Oral health specialists warn that vaping can have bad effects on health, especially with regard to the sense of taste, which can develop into what is known as the “e-smoker’s tongue” condition.

This condition indicates fatigue of the tongue and loss or decreased ability to taste flavors.

According to Dr. Rhona Iskander, a dental expert at, olfactory fatigue is among the underlying causes of “vaping tongue.”

The Metro website quoted the doctor as confirming that our sense of taste is closely linked to our sense of smell, “and when you use the same flavor for a long time, the olfactory receptors in your nose can get used to that specific smell.” As a result, you become insensitive to the flavour, and it may appear less noticeable or disappear temporarily.”

Likewise, if you use the same flavor of e-liquid over and over once more (particularly stronger or more intense) this can impair your ability to taste, while the dry mouth that vaping often causes may also play a role, as saliva plays a crucial role in taste and helps… It distributes flavor molecules to your taste buds.

An individual’s perception of flavors and smoking history also affect a person’s chances of developing a vaping tongue. But the good news, according to the expert, is that this condition is temporary and should not cause permanent damage.

The second negative aspect is that this condition can complicate the detection of other health symptoms. In some cases, persistent or severe taste problems may be an indication of underlying oral health problems or even health problems; So if a person is experiencing persistent taste issues while vaping or using any other tobacco or nicotine products, it is important to consult a healthcare professional or dentist to rule out further health concerns.

In this regard, the expert advises keeping the body hydrated, switching between different flavors of e-liquids, or trying smelling coffee beans or other strong, neutral scents in order to reset the olfactory senses.

Dr. Rona added, “E-smoking can have many harmful effects on oral health, including dry mouth due to decreased saliva production, which may lead to an increased risk of cavities, gingivitis, and mouth ulcers.” Ingredients in the liquids found in cigarettes, especially nicotine, can also constrict blood vessels in the gums, contributing to gum problems and possibly slowing the healing of mouth wounds.

She added, “Although vaping is generally less harmful than traditional smoking, it is not without risks to oral health, and some users may face these problems.”

The expert recommends maintaining proper dental hygiene and avoiding dehydration to protect your mouth if you use e-cigarettes, in addition to looking for other alternatives or quitting smoking completely if possible, which is the best solution.

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