Mastering the Military Method: Achieve Fast and Effortless Sleep in Minutes

2023-11-04 16:24:00

Fast sleep in minutes Can you believe that you can dive into sleep in just two minutes? It sounds like a magic trick, but according to Justin Agustin, a well-known physical trainer, this is quite possible by applying what is known as the “military method” of sleep. See, how can this technique make a big difference in our daily stressful lives?

This technology was originally developed to help military pilots regain focus and attention during critical missions. Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining mental and physical performance, especially during times when every second counts.

Calming the body: the first step

The journey to achieving rapid sleep begins with gradually calming the body from the head to the feet. This process includes relaxing the muscles in the forehead, eyes, and jaw, and focusing on the depth and relaxation of breathing, as if you are singing a soothing melody that helps you relax.

Rest the shoulders and limbs

Notice your shoulders, are they high as if they are carrying the burden of the world? It’s time to gently lower them and allow your arms and fingers to extend out to your sides, as if relaxation is gently creeping into them.

Deep breathing and gradual relaxation

Taking a deep breath is like diving into a sea of ​​calm, followed by slow breathing like a calm return to the surface. You should feel a sense of relief moving slowly to your chest, stomach, thighs, knees, and finally your feet, as if you are giving a command to every part of your body to rest.

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Unpacking the mind: the final secret

Imagine that your mind is like a clear sky or a dark room with a black velvet hammock in the middle. Choose one of these two scenes to be your sanctuary, and keep your mind away from everything that can distract your focus and keep you from complete relaxation.

Sleep effortlessly

By following this technique, anyone can experience deep sleep quickly and efficiently. It is not just a technique, but rather a way to train the body and mind to smoothly transition into a sleep state, thus obtaining a fruitful rest that helps maintain the health of the mind and body. So why not try it tonight and let the quick sleep take over. Take you in his arms?

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