Authorizing the Wearing of Convictional Symbols in Municipal Administration: A Discussion on Diversity and Inclusion in Anderlecht

2023-11-04 18:00:00

While the Diversity and Inclusion Committee will call on the next Anderlecht municipal council on November 30 to request authorization for the wearing of convictional symbols in municipal administration, the Greens want to drive the point home. In parallel with this questioning, a motion was tabled by the Ecolo Groen group to “authorize the wearing of confessional signs by public officials of the municipality of Anderlecht who so wish, without distinction of function and in compliance with the principle of neutrality documents issued by a public official.”

For the initiator of the text, the group leader Shahin Mohammad, this inclusive neutrality (as opposed to a so-called exclusive neutrality which tends to prohibit any wearing of convictional signs) only offers solutions, particularly to represent all the diversity of Anderlecht. while making it possible to open up new employment prospects for certain groups. “We are just bringing the discussion,” reassures the elected official straight away.

Wearing religious symbols: the Brussels Parliament rejects the MR’s proposal on the neutrality of civil servants

The text is only at the beginning of its journey. Shahin Mohammad extended an invitation to other group leaders to discuss it. The proposal will then go before the college which will analyze its admissibility for a debate in the municipal council.

Still, consensus may be difficult to reach within the majority. On the Engaged side, we would have liked to take more time for dialogue without doubting that a “consensus might emerge. Everyone will have to make concessions.”

At the PS, we say we are in favor of the measure even if consultation, particularly with the unions and staff, must still take place. This is also what Unia’s report on the issue last May recommended. “We have heard a series of fears and reluctance (notably from unions, Editor’s note) from staff regarding greater visibility of religious symbols. However, no one has explicitly opposed collective reflection on the issue of convictional diversity. On the contrary, the agreement for the launch of this work seems to be widely supported, especially by extending it to diversity in all its components. Also, the preparatory phase revealed that the final result should be a concerted and reasoned decision, not imposed. Hence the importance of a participatory process specific to the situation in Anderlecht.”

“Another stab in the contract”

In addition to the content of the text, the method questions even within the ranks of the majority. “There is a diversity plan that will arrive with this question inside. Why take it out of all the other aspects of diversity and inclusion?” slips an advisor. It smacks of electoralism and catching up with Good Move,” another told us.

Wearing the veil in the Brussels administration: the plaintiff dismissed

At Défi, we go further. Apart from the substance for which we know that the party advocates a stricter line of neutrality, the form also annoys. “This is yet another stab at the contract on the part of Ecolo. This is not in the majority agreement, annoys Alderman Alain Kestemont, absent for several weeks from political life for personal reasons. Ecolo knows Défi’s position on the issue, they come with this text knowing full well that I will not be in college to represent my party and our line. It’s purely electoral. It had been agreed with all the majority parties that we would wait for a college discussion on the question. There, with this text, the only possible discussion will be: is the motion admissible in form? A timetable was set, discussions must still take place with staff and unions. Ecolo is launching this without warning its majority partners. It’s been a classic shift in strength over the past few months. Beyond that, the question must be decided at the regional level and not municipality by municipality to avoid discriminatory situations. There are other priority subjects for the people of Anderlecht.” From there to speak of a red line not to be crossed for the Amarante formation: “I do not prefer to think regarding it, I simply reiterate my loyalty to the mayor.”

As a reminder, the last motion proposed by Ecolo Groen, relating to the fight once morest all forms of violence in local democratic bodies and in the public space, had divided the majority and was referred to the next council. It was judged by some as potentially infringing on the freedom of expression of citizens in municipal council. In addition, the affair of Alderwoman Ecolo Nadia Kammachi followed by the sidestep of the municipal secretary has also left its mark.

Nadia Kammachi (Ecolo) affair: the municipal secretary of Anderlecht takes a long career break, “it’s that or burn-out”

“Nauseating political wrestling”

Quickly following the announcement of the Greens’ text, the PTB (opposition) made a point of recalling that in 2019, a motion on the same point had been refused by the Anderlecht majority (including Ecolo). “It’s progressing, we’re not going to complain regarding it. Four years later, we are now asking for something concrete.”

It’s sticking knives into the backs of partners to restore their health. This is borderline insulting to the authority of the mayor.

At the MR, we see in the motion a way of “covering up the failures of Ecolo (Good Move, cleanliness, etc.). It’s sticking knives into the backs of partners to restore their health. This is borderline insulting to the authority of the mayor. This nauseating political struggle makes Anderlecht ungovernable while other big issues arise (budget, security, etc.).”

The N-VA remains on the merits: “we are obviously for neutrality and once morest this proposal. Allowing the wearing of the veil, for example, opens the door to all other signs of conviction, such as a civil servant with a Vlaams Belang t-shirt for example. It’s all or nothing. And allowing everything seems dangerous. The state is there to serve the citizen, not to serve the civil servants.”

In short, the council of November 30 promises to be electric.

#Anderlecht #Ecolo #motion #authorize #wearing #convictional #signs #administration #smacks #electoralism #denounces #Défi



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