Groundbreaking Antibiotic Breaks Silence on Global Health Crisis

2023-11-04 17:20:35

Published on November 4, 2023 6:20 p.m. / Modified on November 4, 2023 7:49 p.m.

This is rare news in the fight once morest the “silent pandemic”. On Wednesday, the Swiss non-profit Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership (GARDP) and US pharmaceutical company Innoviva Specialty Therapeutics (IST) presented positive results in a Phase III study for a new antibiotic, the result of a public-private collaboration. Intended to fight once morest drug-resistant strains of gonorrhea (sexually transmitted bacterial infection which can cause sterility), administered orally, in a single dose, zoliflodacin has it all. However, its development illustrates the difficulties linked to the birth of new antibiotics, a field today neglected by the pharmaceutical industry.

A report published in 2019 inthe scientific journal Lancet estimates that antimicrobial resistance is directly responsible for the deaths of 1.27 million people worldwide and is associated with nearly 4.95 million deaths. For comparison, the number of cancer-related deaths in 2020 was around 10 million. The World Health Organization calls it “one of the most serious threats to global health,” yet innovation in the field has stalled.

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