Find out the details of the new joint agreement

2023-11-04 09:00:00

The sector of commercial employees signed the joint agreement that was expected for this fourth quarter of the year. Two increases were established: one in the basics and another non-remunerative.

On October 26, the Argentine Federation of Commerce and Services Employees (FAECyS), the Argentine Chamber of Commerce and Services (CACyS) and the Argentine Confederation of Medium Enterprises (CAME) They met in order to continue the joint meeting held in April 2023where they determined:
1°) Increase basic remuneration for the month of September by 9%taking what was already established for October (22.5% went to the basics) with more of what was mentioned.
2°) Increase basic salaries in stages and by a total of 38% of the current and published scales of each category, as follows:
· 11% in October
· 13.5% in November; and
· 13.5% in December.

These increases will be non-remunerativeon the scales in force as of October 2023.

On November 1, the new quarterly salary pact was approved under resolution 2198/23 in the Ministry of Labor.

As has been previously, non-remunerative sums are increases that They should only be taken into account for contributions and social work contributions of those who have the social work of employees of commerce and civil activities.s, as well as for the worker’s union contribution by art. 100 and 101.

In turn, they must be taken into account as a calculation basis for compensation that arises due to the termination of the employment relationship, that is, for dismissals without cause.

The non-remunerative amounts will also apply to the items presenteeism and seniority. As well as, for the bonus to be paid in December.

These increases will remain non-remunerative during the months of October, November and December, being incorporated into the basic salary scales for the month of January 2024.

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor, dated November 1, which approved the new quarterly salary pact.

In this way, we have that for the teacher category A in October the approximate net salary of $298,899, in November of $342,026 and in December of $385,153. Thus, the increases compared to September are 19%, 36% and 53%, respectively.

It is established that the increases may not be absorbed or compensated by agreements, whatever their nature, that had been granted by employers and/or the government before this agreement.. They also emphasize that if any measure is dictated by the government in the form of adjustment, recomposition or increase as recognition in favor of the workers, they will be absorbed up to the attendance, as long as they are agreed upon collectively and not unilaterally.

It should be remembered that the amount of the OSECAC contribution was established at $1,200 per worker, amount that is updated to $2000 with the signing of the new agreement.

They determined as a clause of the collective agreement the commitment to meet once more in January 2024 to analyze the scales, sums and percentagesalways taking into account the economic variations that might have affected them, being extremely necessary to contemplate the current inflationary context with which we live.

The increases may not be absorbed or compensated by agreements, whatever their nature, that had been granted by employers and/or the government before this agreement.

Other business sectors They also established increases for salaries to be paid in these first days of the month, such as:
· Tankers will have a non-remunerative sum of 15%,
· Agrarians It has a new salary scale that establishes a 7% increase compared to the last month.
· UOCRA 76/75 recently established a new salary scale also for the last quarter of the year, determining a total 38%,
· UOCRA 545/08 It has a new salary scale.

It is important to mention that the Consumer Price Index for September was 12.7%, accumulating 138.3% year-on-year according to INDEC published at the beginning of October. pending publication of the new index, which is expected to be around 10%.


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