New attempt to open civil servant status to non-Europeans

2023-11-03 11:46:08

Published on Nov 3, 2023 at 8:04 amUpdated Nov. 3, 2023 at 2:44 p.m.

While the senators begin this Monday the examination of the very controversial bill on immigration, the collective “The meaning of public service”, a think tank which brings together around fifty public agents, is stepping up to the plate to demand that the non-European foreigners can access civil servant status.

“More than 4 million civil servant jobs cannot be occupied by non-European foreigners, that’s 15% of jobs in France,” underlines Johan Theuret, one of its members. If their hiring is possible at the RATP, the SNCF and Social Security, exclusion is maintained in the public service.

Paved in the pond

The standoff that is coming between the right and the government on the immigration bill is undoubtedly not for nothing in the refusal of the executive: “A statutory extension is not in order. “study”, confirms to “Echos” the entourage of the Minister of the Civil Service Stanislas Guerini, stressing that “the hiring of non-European foreigners is already possible as contractual agents”.

This is precisely what “The Sense of Public Service” denounces, which sees it as “a legal hypocrisy”. “Contrary to the principle ‘for equal work, equal pay’, the status of contract worker is often more precarious than that of permanent civil servant: they are most often recruited on fixed-term contracts (CDD). They cannot then benefit from any prospect of career development, salary or professional mobility,” insist the civil servants. Not to mention “the difficulties that this precariousness induces when you have to renew your residence permit”, underlines Noam Leandri, member of the collective.

“A heresy” given recruitment difficulties

“At a time when public debate is ignoring the benefits of immigration, it is urgent to remove the barriers to foreigners’ access to public service” to reflect “the diversity of French society”, insists the think tank which pleads for “a public service in the image of society”, the title of the contribution it addressed to parliamentarians.

While the civil service faces recruitment difficulties, “it deprives itself of skills by excluding part of the population”. The subject will be raised during the discussion of the immigration bill in the Senate. Around twenty socialist senators tabled an amendment requesting a report on the conditions of access to the public service for non-Europeans, to which the think tank is no stranger. A bill tabled by environmentalist deputies also takes up this request to open the public service to non-community people.

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