Unexpected Fox Sighting in Mechelen: A Rare Encounter in the City Center

2023-11-02 18:40:00

This Wednesday, Kevin Polfiet went drinking with colleagues. Around 1 a.m., while the group was walking along Gerechtstraat in Mechelen, Kevin’s eye was caught by something unexpected. “I found it remarkable and I took a photo,” he explains to our colleagues at Gazet van Antwerpen.

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Because it was ultimately a rather exceptional encounter that the man had in the city center: the “thing” that he saw crossing the street was none other than an animal. And not just any fox since it was… a fox. What surprised the Belgian even more was that the fox showed no fear and walked calmly through the streets.

This is not the first time that the fox in question has been seen on the streets of Mechelen. Jaak Deprez, the former manager of a café in the region, had also spotted the animal. “I was so impressed that I forgot to take a photo. » Same situation for Bilitis Crokaert, another resident who was able to take… a selfie with the fox. “I was coming back from a Halloween party last Tuesday evening when I saw the fox walking across Customs Square. He followed me to the intersection. I found it super cute”

According to Natuurpunt volunteer Chantal De Schepper, young male foxes, born the previous year, seek their own territory, sometimes leaving natural areas to go to the city center in search of food. This is normal behavior for them.

In December, the breeding season will begin, and it might be that the fox Kevin encountered was actually looking for a mate.

#expect #meet #middle #street #remarkable #photo



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