The United States’ Commitment to Nuclear Test Ban: Insights from White House Nuclear Adviser and Ramifications of Russia’s Withdrawal

2023-11-02 17:42:00

The United States does not need and does not plan to conduct nuclear tests in the future. This was stated by White House nuclear adviser Pranay Vaddi.

“The United States has no need or plans to conduct any testing of nuclear explosives,” Waddy reports.Kommersant” He added that such intentions underscore the United States’ strong support for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and its entry into force. In addition, the United States maintains a moratorium on testing zero-yield nuclear explosive devices, Waddy concluded.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law on withdrawal of ratification CTBT. This gives Russia the opportunity to transfer its strategic forces to full combat readiness, if the US starts testing its nuclear weapons. This was stated by State Duma representative on defense issues Andrei Kartapolov.

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