The Silent Danger: Unveiling the Second Most Important Public Health Problem – Osteoporosis

2023-11-02 07:22:00


Silent danger with no warning signs ‘Osteoporosis’ is the second most important public health problem in the world following cardiovascular disease. The greater the number of elderly people. Elderly people live longer More and more patients with osteoporosis will be found. This is because the patient will not know that he or she has the disease condition. Until he fell and broke a bone Prevent osteoporosis Bone mass should be measured, reduce stress, and eat foods high in calcium. Exercise regularly Refrain from smoking or drinking. and prevent falling

A common problem for elderly people who have accidents within the home is hip fracture. and brain accidents This causes the disability and death rates to be quite high.

From statistics in 2021 from the Department of Disease Control, it was found that a worrying issue for the elderly group is falls. Each year there are approximately 3 million accidental falls among the elderly, and more than 60,000 injuries require hospital treatment per year. An average of 4 people die from falls per day.

It also causes disability in the elderly. affect the mind afraid of falling have to depend on others Decreases the quality of life But there are additional costs. Affecting the economy of families and society While falls usually occur during the rainy and winter seasons, 80 percent, with the risk point being wet, slippery floors.

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Osteoporosis is a Silent Killer

Common injuries of elderly people who suffer falls and falls. This is usually a hip bone fracture. that is so Because the elderly will begin to have thin bones. or osteoporosis In particular, women’s bone mass will begin to decrease following menopause, which is around the age of 60 – 65 years. For men, osteoporosis will begin to occur between the ages of 70 – 75 years, causing bone fractures when accidents occur. The death rate for elderly men is therefore higher. Because he is older than that.

Today (2 Nov. 2023) Dr. Suthon Bowonrattanawet, Director General Trauma and Orthopedic Center In the company group Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Public Company Limited gave a lecture on the topic Osteoporosis Silent Killer at the ‘BDMS ACADEMIC ANNUAL MEETING 2023’ organized by Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Public Company Limited or BDMS. Osteoporosis Silent Killer is a translated word from abroad that defines Osteoporosis (osteoporosis) is said to be a Silent Killer (silent killer) which happens in an aging society. Currently, we will start with a patient experiencing back pain. Due to the collapse of the spine Considered a warning sign Because when a hip fracture occurs in the first year A year later, another hip will be broken. And finally, even if the patient receives care But it might end in RIP or death.

Risk points that cause osteoporosis

Dr. Suthorn further said that the bones of people with osteoporosis It will look similar. Airy brick blocks Or some pieces are like steel wool. Also, people with osteoporosis. They will not show symptoms except when they are in pain or falling because most often they do not have their bones checked. We have bones in almost every position in our body, but there is no examination. which is the risk point for bone fractures from osteoporosis It is an area that is most likely to cause bone fractures from osteoporosis, including:

spine, hips, wrists

“First thing, do we know what Osteoporosis or osteoporosis is? It can be caused by many factors, including age, hormones, and insufficient calcium in the body. Deteriorated bone quality more easily broken And some people don’t have to fall from high places. Walking to the bathroom at night You may fall. Or some people can fall while standing. About 40% of elderly women aged 50 and over will have warning signs of Osteoporosis and will have symptoms of brokenness in some positions. before breaking to another position Until it finally affects the way people live their lives. Birth of a disability And when this disease occurs, it does not affect only the patient. But it also affects the family,” said Dr. Suthon.

osteoporosis symptoms

Because osteoporosis often has no warning symptoms, patients often don’t know they have osteoporosis until an accident leads to a bone fracture. Other indications that you should pay attention to and observe regularly. To be able to treat and prevent osteoporosis, including:

Chronic back pain Hunchback or curved upper spine, decreased height

In addition, before the fall was caused by osteoporosis You will notice that you have a hunchback, slouched shoulders, or a short stature. which these symptoms It comes from the spine collapsing. And if there is a fall will make it clear by osteoporosis It is the second most important public health problem in the world following heart disease and stroke. It is a silent danger with no warning signs.

In 2021, Thailand has 20% of osteoporosis patients. The longer the elderly live, the more This causes an increase in the number of elderly people suffering from osteoporosis and many other diseases.

“The risk of a hip fracture from osteoporosis is found to be 23%. They usually die within 1 year, 30% are permanently disabled, 40% must use a walking support device, and 80% are unable to do their daily activities as before the fracture.” Dr. Suthorn said.

Osteoporosis risk factors

Women develop osteoporosis more quickly than men. Especially when menstruation ends. Or surgically removing both ovaries, bone resorption will greatly increase. due to lack of sex hormones Therefore, bone mass begins to be rapidly lost. This causes women to have a 40 – 50% chance of having a bone fracture.

Our bone mass is at its densest when we are regarding 30 years old, following which it gradually decreases.

– Women over 60 years of age have a 10 in 100 chance of developing osteoporosis.

– Women over 70 years of age have a 20 in 100 chance of developing osteoporosis.

– Women over 80 years of age have a 40 out of 100 chance of developing osteoporosis.


In families where the father or mother has osteoporosis and has broken bones Your child will also have a chance of having osteoporosis and breaking bones.


White-skinned foreigners and Asians have a higher chance of developing osteoporosis.

Long-term exposure to certain drugs causes bone mass to become thinner, such as steroid drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, SLE (Sleep Syndrome) patients, and thyroid replacement drugs. Anti-seizure medication, etc.

Have you ever had a broken bone?

The chance of repeat fractures increases 2.5 times.


Drinking more than 3 glasses of alcohol, beer, or even wine per day increases your chance of developing osteoporosis faster.

Nicotine toxins destroy bone-forming cells, causing bones to become thin. If you smoke more than 20 cigarettes/day, your risk of hip fracture is 1.5 times higher than that of non-smokers.

Too thin

People who are too thin are more likely to develop osteoporosis. And the risk of bone fractures increases 2 times that of people with normal body shape.


Eating food that does not cover all 5 food groups not only causes the body to be unbalanced but may also lack nutrients that are necessary for building bone mass. Especially calcium, vitamin D and protein.

lack of exercise

People who do not exercise are more likely to have osteoporosis. It was found that women who sit more than 9 hours per day are at a 50% higher risk of hip fracture than women who sit less than 6 hours per day.


If you get more than 1 teaspoon of salt/day, more than 3 cups of tea/coffee/day, and more than 4 cans of soft drinks/week. And eat more than 10 – 15% protein in each meal. Have a high risk of osteoporosis This is because such foods and drinks will prevent calcium absorption. Highly salty foods and caffeine also cause the body to excrete more calcium.

“Fractures from osteoporosis Very dangerous Osteoporosis should be prevented and treated as soon as it is known. especially hip fractures Because they can’t get up, can’t walk, can’t do anything, greatly affecting the lives of the elderly,” said Dr. Suthon.

Treat immediately when you know. Reduce death

Treatment for ‘osteoporosis’ begins with a history and a quick physical examination at the emergency room. By a multidisciplinary team Whether it is an orthopedic surgeon Internists in various fields such as geriatricians Cardiologist To check what congenital disease the patient has What are the symptoms and provide treatment according to the guidelines developed by hospitals in the BDMS group?

“If a patient needs hip bone surgery It will make you know immediately that Is the patient strong enough to undergo surgery? The hospitals in the BDMS group set a goal that If the patient must undergo surgery Must be able to prepare the patient’s body. You may enter the operating room no later than 36 hours from your admission to the hospital. To avoid complications from the patient having to lie in place for a long time. and help patients recover quickly,” Dr. Suthorn said.

Hospitals in the BDMS group have specific physical therapy guidelines for the elderly. Including the importance of treating osteoporosis to prevent repeated fractures in the future. Currently, more than 500 patients with hip fractures have been treated. In all surgical cases, no one died within 28 days in accordance with international standards. Complications below standard And there was only 1 patient who required repeat surgery, which is considered very successful.

Know how to prevent osteoporosis.

‘Elderly people’ should take care of themselves more than usual.

You should reduce stress. Eat foods high in calcium such as dried shrimp, red beans, kale, etc., which are the main substances in bone formation, especially for women who have gone through menopause. Calcium supplementation does not help strengthen bones. But it helps stop bone decay. You should exercise regularly, 2 – 3 times a week, 1 hour each. It will help reduce the breakdown of calcium from the bones as well. You should refrain from smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages. Try to prevent accidents from falls.

Preventing accidents is considered It is the most important thing, starting from

Improving the home environment, such as having handrails for stairs. Grab bars in the bathroom Keep your home in order and don’t put things in clutter. There is sufficient lighting. Get your eyes and hearing checked. Take care of your own health and be strong. Reduce illness By eating enough food Focus on vegetables and fruits You should not abstain from eating. Because it will cause fatigue, dizziness, and a risk of accidents.

When an accident occurs, you must know how to provide first aid and basic care for elderly patients who fall.

1. If you have a head impact and are unconscious Keep him in the same position and call an ambulance.

2. If the patient is aware and has neck pain as well. Lie down without pillows and call an ambulance. Try to move the patient as little as possible.

3. For patients with hip or thigh pain Lie in the position that causes the least pain to the patient and call an ambulance. You should not move yourself. Because it may cause more bone movement.

4. In the case of a patient with a head impact But there was no pain in the neck. He was conscious and had his relatives take him to the hospital.

5. In case of a bleeding wound, use a clean cloth to apply pressure for 10 – 15 minutes.

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