Most companies do not invest in qualified leads

2023-11-01 17:12:28

An unprecedented study involving 2 thousand companies demonstrated that more than half (57%) of companies still do not have an SDR team (Sales Development Representative, in English). It is up to these professionals to carry out digital prospecting to capture and qualify potential customers before directing them to the commercial team.

Still according to the research, developed by Ramps, 36.1% of organizations have only one SDR, while 38.6% of companies have commercial teams that have two to four employees in the area. According to the analysis, only 12% of companies employ six professionals in the work group.

“After 9 years of operating in the market, we noticed that the majority of companies that seek us out to develop marketing strategies, online advertisements and lead capture strategies do not have an adequate marketing or commercial structure for qualifying a lead. and making a sale”, says Giovanni Ballarin, CEO of digital marketing agency Mestres do Site.

He highlights that, although prospecting is fundamental for B2B businesses, many companies still do not have the necessary structure to carry it out.

In Ballarin’s view, the lack of an adequate marketing and commercial structure for qualifying leads and converting sales can have several negative consequences for the development of companies, such as:

Loss of business opportunities – Without an effective marketing and lead qualification strategy, companies can lose business opportunities, letting potential customers slip away; Low sales conversion – The lack of structure can result in a low conversion rate of leads into sales, which directly affects the company’s revenue and profitability; Limited growth – The absence of a marketing and sales strategy can limit the growth of companies, preventing expansion and the conquest of new markets;

“To maximize the development and success of companies, it is essential to invest in effective marketing and sales structures, ensuring that leads are properly qualified and converted into satisfied customers”, he adds.

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SDR is an alternative for today’s companies

Also according to the CEO of Mestres do Site, a marketing and sales strategy is relevant today for, for example, three reasons:

Changing consumer behavior – Modern consumers are increasingly present online, carrying out research on the internet before making purchasing decisions. Having an effective digital marketing strategy allows companies to reach this audience; Intense competition – Competition in many industries is intense. Having an effective marketing strategy helps your company stand out from the competition and win customer preference; Generation of qualified leads – An effective marketing strategy can attract qualified leads. In other words, people who have a genuine interest in the company’s products or services, which leads to a higher conversion rate.

For Ballarin, a marketing strategy is crucial today due to changing consumer behavior and the highly competitive environment. “The main gains include reaching a broader audience, generating qualified leads, personalizing messages and increasing cost efficiency, resulting in sustainable growth and success for companies”, he concludes.

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