a parliamentary report deplores the lack of additional resources for Paris firefighters before the Games

2023-11-01 17:08:06

“Particularly bad timing”. “Short-termism”… Special rapporteur on the civil security missionas part of the examination of the finance bill for 2024, MP Florian Chauche (La France insoumise) ” alert “ on the insufficient increase, in his eyes, in State funding for the Paris Fire Brigade (BSPP).

According to him, this leads to “put in difficulty” the latter, which operates in Paris and three neighboring Ile-de-France departments (Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne), while it has notably “need for stability with a view to conducting operations relating to the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games”.

The draft budget for 2024, the expenditure part of which is being examined by the National Assembly, provides for 106.9 million euros in funding from the State, an increase of 2 million. Mr. Chauche judged that, taking into account the needs expressed by the BSPP, and even if these were revised downwards – a participation of 109.9 million was requested, an increase of 5 million –, “an additional effort of 3 million euros” would have been “reasonable, justified and essential”. The government has not changed its funding plans.

The BSPP budget is funded by the City of Paris, the State, the three departments of the inner suburbs and the 123 municipalities that make it up. The State thus participates in operating expenses, its share being equal to 25% of the expenses included in the special budget managed by the Paris Police Prefecture.

“Not giving the brigade this funding is playing with fire, if I may say so”lamented Mr. Chauche, following emphasizing that this lesser increase in funding will lead the Paris firefighters (whose workforce was 8,550 people in 2021) to “mechanically” operate a “less recruitment of young firefighters, the only adjustment variable in payroll”.

“If the Brigade does not have enough personnel, it will not be able to arm the number of devices necessary on a daily basis and especially for the crucial period of the JOP 2024”, had argued the BSPP in its discussions, during the construction of its budget, with the general directorate of civil security and crisis management (DGSCGC, Ministry of the Interior), which the deputy Florian Chauche reports in his report.

According to these discussions, the DGSCGC proposed to subsequently complete, in 2024, the allocation to the Parisian fire brigade. Option “not satisfactory”, for Mr. Chauche, the amount of this additional contribution “risking being marginal, and the payment date remains to be specified”which would constitute, according to him, a “source of instability”. The BSPP considered, for its part, that “preparing for the 2024 JOPs [nécessitait] to have everything available from the start of the year » financial means.

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