UNCAUS Offering Optional Program for Future Medicine Students

2023-11-02 01:24:08

11/01/2023 | Resistance, Chaco.

Intended for future university students

They will start on November 4 and are optional. They are intended for those people who wish to study Medicine at the institution in 2024.

The National University of Chaco Austral (UNCAUS), informs that on Saturday, November 4, the delivery of the “Program for Inclusion in University Life and Health Sciences (PIVUCS)”, intended for those people who wish to study Medicine at the institution, in the year 2024. They are optional.

This training aims to strengthen knowledge in the areas of Biology and Chemistry for students in their final year of secondary schools.who are applicants for the entry course to the UNCAUS Medicine career in 2024, approved by Provision N°1475/2023-SA

Classes will be held on Saturdays, November 4, 18 and 25, and then continue on December 2 and 9, 2023. They will have a workload of 20 hours, which will be divided with Biology classes, which will be taught from 8 hours to 10 hours and Chemistry from 10 hours to 12 hours.

The course modality will be in person and the classes will be taught in the Aula Magna of UNCAUSlocated in Comandante Fernández No. 755, of the city of Presidency Roque Sáenz Peña.

From Uncaus they reported that registrations are made through the following link: https://forms.gle/SSXMNSfqWfj7MZfj9; and inquiries via email: [email protected]


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