How do I know if I have OCD?

2023-10-25 13:28:40

What is obsessive compulsive disorder?

Chronic mental illness, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) are among the serious anxiety disorders. They are characterized by two types of more or less pronounced symptoms, which can appear isolated or simultaneously:

  • THE obsessionssuch as disturbing, repetitive and uncontrollable thoughts that will cause strong anxiety,
  • THE compulsionsrepetitive, irrational and uncontrollable behaviors which will help alleviate the anxiety felt.

These symptoms have, in all cases, a serious impact on daily behavior.1.

TOC: who is affected?

2 to 3% of French people currently suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)2which is why OCD is the 4e most common psychiatric illness following phobias, addictions and depressive disorders. Especially since some people with OCD do not seek medical help, which partly distorts the census.

  • In 25% of OCD begins before the age of 14,
  • In 65% of cases, the disease begins before the age of 25,
  • In 15% of cases, the disease begins following age 35.

Men and women are affected equally.

What causes obsessive compulsive disorder?

The causes of this disease remain unknown. It seems that the onset of obsessive and compulsive disorders is gradual and linked to various factors. The researchers were also able to observe that, in 30% of cases (38 to 54% in children), obsessive-compulsive disorders start suddenlyfollowing trauma or significant stress1.

When wondering if you suffer from OCD, certain symptoms should not be overlooked:

  • we are invaded by recurring thoughts, ideas or images (obsessions) that are intrusive and generate anxiety, distress,

These obsessions arise in the mind for no reason, in a compelling and intrusive way. Most often, these obsessions concern specific themes such as dirt and contamination, sacrilege, sexuality, disorder, disasters, death…

  • we have behaviors, repetitive gestures or repetitive conjuring thoughts (compulsions) that we cannot control…

For the person suffering from OCD, these compulsions help to push the obsession out of the mind and/or calm the anxiety. Often, these conjuring tics – also called rituals – can take several forms (hand washing, checks, arranging in a specific order, counting, etc.)

Precision : for one to be able to speak of OCD, the disorders must occupy the person at least one hour a day and cause significant suffering and a negative impact on their daily life3.

If you observe these symptoms, it is useful to consult your doctor (or their pediatrician). You can also get more information and help from the French Association of People Suffering from Obsessive and Compulsive Disorders (AFTOC).

  • Often, people with OCD also suffer fromanother psychiatric illness : mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, alcohol dependence problems, etc.

A great difficulty in the treatment of OCD is that people who suffer from it tend to feel a certain shame and, in fact, will try to hide their illness from those around them… but also to believe that their OCD will disappear on their own and to implement avoidance strategies. However, this only makes the problem worse because early medical care increases the chances of successful OCD treatment. OCD is a chronic condition that does not usually heal on its own and must be taken care of by professionals if we want to treat it2.

The diagnosis of OCD must be carried out by a health professional who will measure their severity, the suffering they cause and seek to eliminate other possible diagnoses. His diagnosis can be confirmed, if necessary, by a psychiatrist or psychologist.

The most indicated OCD treatments are:

  • the cognitive behavioral therapy (TCC)
  • the medical treatment via the use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs)

A better understanding of the mechanisms of OCD has made it possible to develop other therapeutic solutions but these are still being studied, like the deep brain stimulation or so-called lesional surgery2.

What are the most common OCDs?

  • OCD regarding washing (fear of germs, obsession with cleanliness, etc.)
  • Verification OCD (fear of having closed the door incorrectly, of not having turned off the oven, etc.)
  • OCD regarding symmetry and order (placing things correctly)
  • Counting TOC (we calculate non-stop)
  • Accumulation OCD (we can’t throw away)
  • OCD mental ruminations (obsessive thoughts)
  • OCD magical thinking in younger people (if the person turns around, it means everything is fine, for example)…

1. Obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD): definition and contributing factors,

2. Obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), treatment that is most often effective, Inserm.

3. Obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD): symptoms, diagnosis and progress,




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