Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse: Simulating Scenarios and Controlling Outbreaks

2023-11-01 06:30:58

It is possible to simulate other scenarios such as eliminating zombies or quarantining a city in just 7 hours, such as spreading false information.

Entered 2023.11.01 15:10 Views 66 Entered 2023.11.01 15:10 Modified 2023.11.01 14:19 Views 66

What would happen if zombies really appeared like in the movies? Can humanity safely defeat the zombies and survive? [사진=게티이미지뱅크]A world occupied by zombies. Zombie apocalypse is a genre in which most people turn into zombies for some reason, such as a biological disease, and only a few survive. Apocalypse is used to refer to the destruction of the world, or an equivalent catastrophe or disaster.

What would happen if zombies really appeared like in the movies? Can humanity safely defeat the zombies and survive? Interesting simulation research results have emerged that may provide hints on the answer to this question.

Finnish researchers modeled hypothetical scenarios to understand how pathogens spread. The simulation did not model the population as a whole, but focused on the interactions between humans and zombies moving within and between Finnish cities.

This allowed the researchers to isolate infected areas or simulate the difference between a zombie epidemic starting in a densely populated city and an area with a much smaller population.

According to the results, when a zombie appeared in Helsinki, the capital of Finland, if the infected zombie was not destroyed, it took only 7 hours for the infection to spread throughout the city. The researchers explain that if the city is not quarantined within this time, it is inevitable that zombies will overrun the country.

However, Professor Lauri Bitasari of Uppsala University, who was in charge of the mathematical model in this simulation, explained that estimating some parameters was particularly difficult. This is because actual data that can answer questions such as what is the probability that a human will win when faced with a zombie is very limited.

Professor Paulina Ilmonen of Aalto University, who led the study, said, “It shouldn’t have been surprising, but I was surprised by how quickly we had to respond to save people. It made me think regarding moral issues such as individual rights versus public rights.” He said.

Although it was a lightly conducted project, the researchers said the results might provide important insights into how future disease outbreaks can be controlled. “Zombie contagion simulations provide a way to explore the effectiveness of different intervention methods and consider them in the context of diseases with different characteristics, such as spread speed or severity.”

Attempting to understand how infectious diseases spread using hypothetical scenarios is not a new idea. For example, hypothetical scenarios in which zombies appear are also used in research on epidemiology and infectious diseases.

The researchers said that this simulation can be applied to other countries and can also be used to investigate phenomena that spread like diseases, such as rumors or false information, by applying different scenarios. “Because it simulates individual behavior, it can also be used to test how disinformation (for example, people denying the existence of zombies even though they appear) affects the spread of an epidemic,” he explains.

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