2023-11-01 05:30:00
STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Electric Service Agreement – Applied Digital Approval Case No. PU-23-322 NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR HEARING On October 2, 2023, Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. (MDU) filed an application for approval of a second electric service agreement with Applied Digital Corporation. The agreement provides that the customer would take electric service from MDU under a new High Density Contracted Demand Response Rate 45 schedule. The issues to be considered in this proceeding are: 1. What is the value of MDU’s property, used and useful, for the service and convenience of the public in North Dakota? 2. What is a just and reasonable rate of return on MDU’s property, used and useful, for the service and convenience of the public in North Dakota? 3. What rates and charges are necessary to provide a just and reasonable rate of return on MDU’s property, used and useful, for the service and convenience of the public in North Dakota? 4. Are MDU’s rate schedules designed in such a manner that they result in a basis of charge to its customers that is just and reasonable without undue discrimination? 5. Whether the electric service agreement should be approved. Those interested are invited to comment on the application in writing. Persons desiring a hearing must file a written request identifying their interest in the proceeding and the reasons for requesting a hearing. Comments and requests for hearing must be received by December 5, 2023. If deemed appropriate, the Commission can determine the matter without a formal hearing. For more information contact the Public Service Commission, State Capitol, Bismarck, North Dakota 58505, 701-328-2400 or Relay North Dakota 1-800-366-6888 TTY. If you require any auxiliary aids or services, such as readers, signers, or Braille materials, please notify the Commission. Issued: October 24, 2023 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Sheri Haugen-Hoffart Commissioner Randy Christmann Chair Julie Fedorchak Commissioner (Nov. 1, 2023) 272047