Ending Israeli Aggression: The Responsibility of the International Community

2023-11-01 05:46:44

Muscat: Gaza Strip civilians and their facilities The international community is responsible for Israel’s aggression. Oman Foreign Minister Syed Badr bin said that an investigation should be conducted. Hamad Al Busaidi asked. In a special interview given to Oman News Agency, Minister E. Things said. UN to end war on Gaza and stop Israel He also emphasized the need for community intervention.

Aggression is not the solution

It is my firm belief that aggression is not the solution. It is stronger because the victims are often children and ordinary people. Praying. If we recall past historical experiences, the Palestine issue Achieving a military solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict People will say that it is impossible. It is a legal right to resist occupation. .

Media should look at things objectively.

Israeli aggression kills unarmed civilians. Their facilities and houses were destroyed. Water, food, fuel and medicine were also lost. Answer to the media to present these issues objectively. There is an argument.

1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide, Art. Civilians in the northern Gaza Strip under Kill II Vam takes down Tamai and forces him to move south. Sayyid Badr said that it is seen as a harbinger of violence.

Action is needed to end war.

To end this war against Gaza, which violates international law The international community should also intervene to stop Israel from doing so. UN calls for immediate ceasefire Strategy observers should also create a company that monitors.

Be prepared to negotiate with all parties.

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Palestine Liberation in the 1990s by Israel and its Allies Prior to the idea of ​​engaging in dialogue with the organization was crying

Israel should not negotiate with all the movements, including Hamas. He also said that there will be no Palestinian-Israeli peace.

Invasion is illegal

Since 1967, in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, The Palestinian Territories were illegally occupied by Israel. Gaza has been under siege since 2007, from Palestine in the West Bank. The residents were left alone. The country’s 2.3 million inhabitants are now living in poverty and isolation. It’s coming.

The leaders of the Israeli government are targeting the Palestinian people. How are they more aggressive and brutal than before? He said that we see that it is encouraging.

#Israeli #attack #targeting #civilians #Independent #research #required #Oman

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