Protecting Pets: The Importance of Leash Laws and Responsible Ownership

2023-10-31 09:19:00

Eight years ago, Laïka, the little Jack Russell of a couple from Villersois, had already been attacked by another dog and it took her time to recover and no longer be afraid during her daily walks. She is now ten years old and last Wednesday, as her owner left the house with her for a walk on a nearby country path, the dog was attacked again.

She was on the sidewalk, just in front of her masters’ house, when a rottweiler who was not kept on a leash by her mistress lunged at Laïka and grabbed her on the back. “Fortunately, he wasn’t able to grab her by the neck,” breathes Dany, who was holding her dog on a leash when the incident occurred. I did what I could, I kicked and two punches to the rottweiler to make him let go. The young girl looked on, crying…”

The veterinarian called to the scene anesthetized the jack russel and put him in stitches. Although seriously injured, Laïka seemed to regain some strength this Monday. After taking advice, the Villersois couple decided to file a complaint. And to make public on social networks the mishap experienced by their dog. Not to attack the rottweiler’s owners, or even this animal. The lady who did not have time to intervene when her dog rushed at little Jack Russell came back to check on Laïka afterwards, and she assured that she would cover the veterinary costs. When the Villersois encountered the Rottweiler again, this time he was on a leash and wearing a muzzle, as required by the regulations for this breed of dog.

“I love all animals, I don’t particularly want us to harm this dog,” Dany said on Monday. “This is not the purpose of the complaint that we are going to file. We are doing it because we hope a little to mark the spirits, to raise awareness of all the owners who do not respect the rules by thinking that their dog is nice, that there has never been a problem… We must remain aware that an animal remains an animal, we do not can’t predict all her reactions. Sometimes, when I go out with Laïka, I’m with my little daughter: I don’t dare think about what could have happened if that had been the case last week!”

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The Villersois explains that he walks his dog every day around his home, on the rue de Sart side where there are country lanes. And not a week goes by without him coming across other owners who don’t keep their dogs on a leash. “Teachers must realize that the rules exist for everyone, and that serious situations can occur if we do not respect them.”

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