Improving Access and Care for Parkinson’s Disease Patients: Survey Results and Recommendations

2023-11-01 00:00:00

As part of the introduction of a new post-diagnosis care procedure provided by a physiotherapist which might change the situation for the 27,000 people newly diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease each year in France, a major survey focused on the relationships between patients and physiotherapy care.

Recipients of rehabilitation care who are generally satisfied:
First, the lead times for making appointments for rehabilitation care are reasonable. In fact, for 8 out of 10 recipients of physiotherapy care, the first appointment was obtained in less than a month (39% in just a few days). Physiotherapy beneficiaries are generally satisfied with their rehabilitation, which obtains an average evaluation of 7.3/10. This satisfaction is explained in particular by the positive effects of rehabilitation on patients, in fact, 70% of patients currently undergoing physiotherapy care say they are able to maintain the progress gained by this rehabilitation. Furthermore, this survey reveals that adapted physical activity coupled with the physiotherapy rehabilitation course appears to be an explanatory element in maintaining the progress acquired through rehabilitation: 82% of recipients of physiotherapy care who practice adapted physical activity maintain the progress. acquired while 60% of those who do not practice any activity declare that they do not keep them. In this sense, almost 7 out of 10 respondents are interested in a weekly “Sports course” with a physiotherapy professional, and almost 8 out of 10 among those under 60. Aware of the benefits of rehabilitation, the most invested profiles are also the most satisfied: 63% of those who have benefited from rehabilitation sessions via the LSVT Big method are very satisfied with their physiotherapy care (vs. 53% at overall). Furthermore, 9 out of 10 beneficiaries of intensive general rehabilitation time (internship type) specifically adapted to Parkinson’s disease are satisfied.

However, difficulties in accessing care remain…

Even if many people with Parkinson’s disease have fully integrated physiotherapy into their care pathway, others still face access difficulties.

Overall, 31% of respondents suffering from the disease have already wanted to benefit from care but had to give it up due to lack of access.

The difficulties in accessing physiotherapy care seem to arise from two widely reported pitfalls: the difficulty of finding a professional (both trained in Parkinson’s disease and present in the region) and the lack of prescription from a third party.

Thus, 58% of people who did not receive physiotherapy treatment even though they wanted to do so because they might not find a professional. Territories appear to be particularly under-resourced with healthcare professionals, this is particularly the case in the Paris region, rural communities and small towns. The 38% who consider that physiotherapy care is difficult to implement in their territory believe 72% that it is because it is difficult to find a professional trained in Parkinson’s disease. In addition, 18% of people who did not receive physiotherapy treatment did not do so because no one suggested it to them… and the treatment is still not very suitable for people with Parkinson’s disease. Given that they struggle to find a professional trained in the disease, patients who access care then regret that it is not adapted to their profile. Echoing the first study carried out by the Viavoice institute for France Parkinson which revealed that physiotherapists considered themselves moderately competent in the rehabilitative care of Parkinson’s, 41% of those who followed sessions declared that their physiotherapist might be better shape. Very specific treatments are ultimately rarely offered, since 15% of people who received physiotherapy treatment did so via the “LSVT” method. Three-quarters of respondents have never followed an intensive period of general rehabilitation (internship type) specifically adapted to Parkinson’s disease. Treatments which nevertheless seem beneficial since those who carry them out (internship or LSVT) are very satisfied and are more able to maintain progress following the sessions. Patients who are therefore waiting for care professionals who are more responsive to their needs and abilities. Their expectations will differ depending on the progress of the disease: young patients (up to around 70 years old) are very demanding of group, friendly and sporting sessions while older patients would like their healthcare professional to agree to come. home.

Areas for reflection to improve access and physiotherapy care for patients with Parkinson’s disease:
By ensuring that doctors and neurologists are prescribers of physiotherapy care By distributing the provision of care (in particular dedicated to the rehabilitation of people with Parkinson’s) throughout the territory By improving the training of physiotherapists so that they offer specific rehabilitation for people with Parkinson’s disease and that they adapt better to patients. By ensuring that the care offered takes into account the different stages and ages of the disease (more friendly, collective and sporting sessions for the youngest, home sessions for the older ones). By motivating the person suffering from Parkinson’s disease and supporting them in accepting their illness: proposal for implementing a post-diagnosis prevention interview.

Patients also answered questions relating to speech therapy treatment as part of this survey.

The results thus made it possible to objectify the difficulties encountered for speech therapy treatment in the same way as those which were revealed for physiotherapy.

France Parkinson will rely on these results to formulate recommendations aimed at improving access to this care, which is just as fundamental as physiotherapy care for the care pathway with Parkinson’s disease.

Article published on 01/11/2023 at 01:00 | Read 80 times

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