Building a Robust Startup Ecosystem in Morocco: Insights from CDG Webinar

2023-10-31 10:30:40

As such, the Group Institute CDG organized a webinar on Thursday, October 26 under the theme “For enterprising youth”, which brought together:

Sarrah CHERIF D’OUEZZAN, Head of StartGate, UM6PMajid KAISSAR EL GHAIB, CEO OMEGA Holding & President ENACTUSNawfal FASSI-FIHRI, Deputy Director CDG Invest in charge of 212 FoundersOthmane LAMRINI, Co-founder of Kiwi Collecte

This webinar offered an overview of the startup ecosystem in Morocco: its construction, the different forms of support, supervision and support it offers, as well as some notable successes. The question of creating an environment conducive to the emergence of an entrepreneurial mindset among young people, which might result in the creation of a real startup ecosystem, was at the heart of the debates.

Majid KAISSAR EL GHAIB recalled that the Moroccan entrepreneurship ecosystem has been built over the last twenty years, first through government initiatives to facilitate access to financing. It is a dynamic ecosystem but in full construction, which today greatly needs to have a vision that is supported by the highest authorities of the State, with a dedicated government department in order to bring together all government strategies. .

Sarrah CHERIF D’OUEZZAN, for her part, returned to the multiple challenges that young entrepreneurs encounter: administrative constraints, recruitment difficulties, international competition, etc. She insisted on the need to address these constraints collectively by involving the different stakeholders, including entrepreneurs.

Othmane LAMRINI, for his part, distinguished between three types of entrepreneurship: spontaneous entrepreneurship that creates jobs, innovative entrepreneurship with medium and long-term prospects but which is very capital-intensive, and “impact” entrepreneurship including the mission is to address a specific problem, creating jobs in the process and without being a major consumer of capital. He also addressed the subject of crowdfunding as an alternative financing tool capable of supporting the development of Moroccan startups, through the solicitation of savings from the general public.

Finally, Nawfal FASSI-FIHRI returned to the criteria for selecting projects by venture capital funds, in particular the aspects linked to the personality of the entrepreneur as well as the solidity of his project and its growth prospects. He insisted on the fact that raising funds should not be considered as an end in itself, but rather the starting point which will allow the startup to take off. At this level, venture capital funds are well positioned to help startups grow in scale.

In conclusion, the Moroccan entrepreneurial ecosystem would benefit from developing a long-term vision, which must be shared by all stakeholders. The objective is to contribute to raising awareness and motivating dynamic and competitive entrepreneurial youth, capable of playing a key role in the socio-economic transformation of the country and supporting the positioning of the Kingdom, particularly at the landscape level. African.

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