Who is the Roca doctor who will receive a Konex Platinum Award?

2023-10-31 04:00:00

Today, Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., the 44th edition of the prestigious Konex 2023 Platinum and Brilliant Awards will take place in the city of Buenos Aires. One of them will be received by Dr. Adrián Gadano, who was born in Roca in 1961, and will receive the Platinum award for his work in Internal Medicine.

In dialogue with RÍO NEGRO Diary He exclusively recounted his “surprise” at the distinction and expressed the gratitude he professes to his specialty: Hepatology.

“It is an important emotion. The fact of having received the diploma of merit and being part of the five medical specialists recognized for his work in the last 10 years was somewhat unexpected news. But I must confess that when they told me regarding the Platinum I was even more surprised,” she said with emotion.

In SeptemberGadano had been one of the eight scientists from Río Negro and Neuquén who were recognized with a Konex Diploma of Merit Award for his work in the area of ​​science and technology. In total, 100 personalities from the country were highlighted. Then, the award ceremony has a second instance, which consists of the Platinum and Brilliant Awards, which is the one that will take place today.

“Internal Medicine is a specialty that I always liked, even since college. It has a lot of intellectual challenge, because you have to think and evaluate the clinical part of the patient along with complementary studies. In addition, it covers very challenging diseases,” he added in reference to his interest in the study of pathologies related to the liver.

The Konex awards were created in 1980 by Luis Ovsejevich to distinguish the most distinguished personalities and institutions in Argentina that serve as an example to youth.

In that sense, Gadano marked important milestones in the country. For example, designed the strategy for the first liver transplant in South America without the use of blood, which was carried out in the early 2000s. It was an unprecedented intervention for a Jehovah’s Witness patient, in which she dispensed with a blood transfusion, which was an action not permitted by that religion.

“The liver transplant marked me throughout my career. It is a very important therapeutic treatment because when the patient becomes severely ill they have little life expectancy. But when you transplant it it is as if it were born once more. For me it is one of the most gratifying and dignifying acts in medicine. It is one of the things that made me strengthen my desire to be a hepatologist,” she explained.

What was your career as a doctor and researcher?

Gadano is a specialist in Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology and a doctor of Medicine. For more than 20 years he has been part of the team of specialists at the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires. There he directed the Hepatology Section from 1998 to 2020.

He spent his childhood and adolescence in Roca, in Río Negro, a city for which he has a special affection. After graduating from the so-called Normal School, she decided to move to the country’s capital to begin her training in Medicine at the University of Buenos Aires.

He received his honors in 1984, and following completing his military service, he began his residence in the Güemes Sanatorium in 1986.

“After doing military service, residency was much worse for me – at least the first year. But you learned a lot then. Dr. Alberto Agres was my mentor in a medical clinicwho also received the Konex award in 2003 and 2013. I owe him all that rigor for study and work.and probably the beginning of my career as a researcher,” he confessed.

Gadano chose to dedicate himself to diseases that affect the liver.

During his time at the sanatorium, Gadano decided to specialize in gastroenterology, the medical specialty that deals with diseases of the digestive system. However, his central objective was to focus on the study of pathologies related to the liver, something that was only studied abroad.

In 1992 he received a scholarship from the French Government that allowed him to begin his training in Hepatology in Paris. He did his residencies in Parisian public hospitals, where he combined work and the beginning of his specialized academic training.

“I was there for five years. There I learned deep hepatology, transplantation and in-depth research. There I trained for what I would do in Argentina, at the Italian hospital, later,” she said.

Your interest in the training of professionals

Gadano was a precursor in Argentina of the ECHO (Extended Community Healthcare Outcome) program, a monthly teleconference program through which mentoring is provided using technology and collaboration is increased to improve medical practices. It was developed in the State of New Mexico, in the

United States, although it is now promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) itself.

“In a country that is so centralized and where people in the provinces have difficulties accessing information, We saw that it was very necessary to provide the possibility of interacting between experts, beyond a meeting at a congress.”he explained.

The program was started in 2013, mainly with health specialists from all over Argentina. Over time, the experience was also expanded to Latin America. Through its initiative, more than 400 professionals in the country were trained. The majority of them continue to participate in the meetings that are held every two weeks in virtual format.

#Roca #doctor #receive #Konex #Platinum #Award



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