Milei resumed his criticism “of the caste model” due to the lack of fuel and inflation

2023-10-31 02:27:09

Buenos Aires Correspondent

A little less than three weeks before the runoff, the presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei; He resumed his criticism of the “caste model”. He targeted the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, his rival in the electoral contest, due to the lack of fuel in different parts of the country and the levels of inflation.

“Shortage and inflation are the direct consequences of the caste model defended by this government of criminals with Minister Massa at the head,” Milei warned in a publication on social networks.

In this way, he once once more used the concept of “caste”, which he had left in the background following the alliance with Patricia Bullrich (Together for Change), which led him to embrace the idea of ​​“ending Kirchnerism.” .

“They put a trap on you to ‘take care’ of the supply of dollars and there are dollars missing. They set maximum prices for gasoline so that ‘there is gasoline for everyone’ and you lack gasoline. They put a clamp on imports and leave you without medical supplies. They put a limit on rents and destroy the real estate market,” Milei questioned.

The La Libertad Avanza candidate maintained that “markets adjust by quantity and/or price” and pointed out that “the club model defended by Massa, Cristina Kirchner and Alberto Fernández only brings and has always brought shortages and uncontrolled inflation rates.” ”.

“On 11/19 you choose if you want to continue with this model or if we change to embrace the ideas of freedom,” concluded Milei, who also released a video titled “Caste or freedom.”

Last Saturday, the presidential candidate passed by a service station in the northern area of ​​Buenos Aires and denounced that “the caste model always ends the same: with shortages or increased prices.”

“In 23 days we have the most important election of our lives. Not only for us and all the work we have been doing for two years, but because what is defined is whether Argentina continues to be a prisoner of this political class that has caused so much damage; or if we change to embrace the ideas that made this country great,” she said.

Milei’s campaign command reported that he tried to load gasoline, but security camera videos show that he only took photos with people present at the scene.

Bullrich, for his part, also visited service stations during the weekend and accused Massa of being “responsible for Argentina’s decline.”

“Today I went for a walk and I found this reality. Endless lines of cars and motorcycles at service stations. This is part of what awaits us with Massa’s maneuvers,” he lamented.

Massa and Milei prepare for the presidential debate and the runoff

Milei and Massa’s teams are working to define the rules of the third presidential debate, which will take place on Sunday the 12th (a week before the runoff) at the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).

This Monday a meeting was held between representatives of both candidates and the debate advisory council at the headquarters of the National Electoral Chamber (CNE), where (as it turned out) the Milei sector raised the possibility of reading notes. On Wednesday the six thematic axes will be drawn.

#Milei #resumed #criticism #caste #model #due #lack #fuel #inflation



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