Coverage of export risks: A range of available mechanisms

2023-10-30 10:14:17

The new legal framework of “Dhamen Finance” brings a new perception of the guarantee mechanism and makes it possible to cover credits from financing lines up to 10 million dinars.

The value of reimbursements made by Cotunace for the benefit of exporting companies having faced payment incidents during the year 2022 reached 5 million dinars. This value exceeded 3 million dinars during the first six months of the current year. This was revealed by the CEO of the foreign trade insurance company (Cotunace), Nebgha Driss, on the sidelines of the monthly meeting “Les matinales de l’export” which was recently organized by Cepex on the theme “Financing and hedging export risks: new perspectives, new tools”.

Emphasizing the role that Cotunace plays in raising companies’ awareness of the importance of export insurance, the manager specified that exporting companies can count on this insurance company which supports their export operations. export through continuous monitoring of risk and which intervenes immediately in the event of a problem.

Consider benefits for the service sector

For his part, Hichem El Phill, responsible for operational management within Cotunace, presented the new legislative and legal framework of “Dhamen Finance”, a financial guarantee whose mission is to support Tunisian companies in their strategies. export by providing them with a guarantee from the banks.

According to El Phill, the new legislative framework of “Dhamen Finance” brings a new perception of the guarantee mechanism and makes it possible to cover the credits of the financing lines. “Previously, the guarantee from “Dhamen Finance” was granted in the case where the exporting company subscribes to one-off credits. Today, we have a new framework which allows us to cover the credits of the financing lines to the tune of 10 million dinars,” he explained in a statement to The Press. He also added that the company has looked into the question of improving premiums for the benefit of certain growth sectors, mainly the services sector. “Today, the services sector only represents 2 to 3% of guarantee credits even though it contributes 35% to all export revenues. Necessarily, we must think regarding a bonus system to be established for the benefit of the sector in order to allow companies operating there to have a certain number of advantages. It is the most efficient sector, so as such we should integrate this sectoral aspect into the definition of the premium rate,” he indicated.

Foprodex, your forever ally

Referring to the financial support of Cepex for the benefit of exporting companies, Mourad Ben Hassine, CEO of the center, recalled that Foprodex, the financial arm of the center, supports exporting companies, particularly those targeting sub-Saharan African markets. .

Indeed, each year, more than 1,000 companies subscribe to Foprodex services for a total value of 100 million dinars. Cepex also provides companies with all the necessary information relating to destination markets, particularly markets where export opportunities are under-exploited.

In addition, it provides data relating to risks associated with exporting to certain countries. Ben Mrad recalled, in this same context, that in 2022, the government decided to increase the subsidies granted to exporting companies in the craft sector. It should be noted that, during this event, an agreement was signed between Cepex and Cotunace. It aims to develop an active partnership intended to better inform Tunisian exporters of support and insurance services during their prospecting efforts, access to international markets and development of their export activity.

#Coverage #export #risks #range #mechanisms



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