E-Control: Gas transit through Ukraine possible as long as the line is not damaged

2023-10-30 15:56:21

EU requirements for free transport capacities – Austria has been preparing since the beginning of the war – European cooperation is necessary

Vienna (OTS) Referring to reports that the Ukrainian energy company Naftagas has announced that it will no longer send Russian gas to the West from 2025, E-Control still assumes that as long as the transport lines are not damaged, transit flows can in principle continue to be carried out. There are clear requirements in EU law according to which free transport capacities must be offered by transmission system operators in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner.

Austria is preparing

Nevertheless, since the beginning of the war, Austria has been preparing for the situation in which gas flows via Ukraine are no longer possible: political measures have been taken to fill storage facilities and, with the Gas Diversification Act, measures have been taken to support the diversification of gas flows. In addition, gas consumers have also reacted to the increased prices and saved gas.

From a regulatory perspective, E-Control has approved the application from the Austrian network operator Gas Connect Austria regarding the WAG partial loop as an important pipeline project. which enables an increase in import capacities from Germany. This new pipeline section enables an increase in import capacities from Germany. It must now be built immediately, which is the responsibility of the network operator Gasconnect Austria.

At the same time, E-Control monitors, among other things, the storage provisions of gas suppliers for household customers and the district heating that is generated from gas.

European cooperation is necessary

In principle, there are currently sufficient quantities of gas available on the European gas market. It is also important that the diversification efforts of the member states are supported with existing contracts with Gazprom Export at the European level, meaning that transits through other countries are not subject to additional fees and it is ensured that, if the worst comes to the worst, 100% of the gas volumes go to Austria can be transited. The gas suppliers are required to ensure supplies to Austria through gas and transport contracts, also in view of the fact that the EU and Austria will reduce or phase out gas quantities from Russia.

Further steps in Austria

Other national measures that are particularly important include accelerated approval for the expansion of the pipeline network for imports (WAG partial loop), as well as the longer-term safeguarding of the strategic gas reserve and gas diversification via other delivery routes. Of course, measures to reduce gas consumption continue to support all measures.

Questions & Contact:

Mail: daniel.hantigk@e-control.at
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