Blocking of the SPPG announces a march on November 6

2023-10-30 00:05:59


After our peaceful march which was violently repressed on October 16, the SPPG was preparing to drop off a letter at Kaloum town hall the next day for another march which would take place on October 23; that is to say a week following Black Monday marked by police repression whose barbarity brings back bad memories of the dark years of the history of lame democracies.

In the process, certain actors such as the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, that of Labor and the Civil Service, the heads of the executive office of the CNTG and other goodwill had requested and obtained from the SPPG , a few days of calm allowing them to try to find a solution to the Guineematin situation. Out of respect for these aforementioned people and other anonymous people, we decided to observe a 2-week truce which ended this Sunday, October 29, 2023.

Unfortunately, almost 3 months since the start of the illegal restrictions unfairly imposed on Guineematin, we still see the stubbornness of Ousmane Gaoual with the blessing of the Presidency of the Republic which apparently supports him in this perilous adventure.

Meanwhile, workers at this media company risk losing their jobs since their online media outlet is still not released. The SPPG, which has the duty to defend their moral and material interests, has therefore decided to reactivate the assault on dignity and move on to act 2 of our series of protest actions.

Thus, a delegation from our large union family will submit a letter of information to the Kaloum town hall this Tuesday, October 31, with a view to a peaceful march planned for Monday, November 6, 2023.

It should be noted that our brave comrades from the Association of Women Journalists of Guinea, particularly shocked by the violence committed once morest their colleagues on October 16 followed by the provocative outing of Ousmane Gaoual who trivialized this violence in front of microphones and cameras, have also decided to join this noble struggle. They promise to restore the honor and dignity of women that the government spokesperson is trying to trample on at all costs.

We also recall that the organizations affiliated with the SPPG (associations of Islamic chroniclers of Guinea, the association of professional media and audiovisual technicians of Guinea, etc.), as well as partner associations such as RALAN, Presse solidaire, the association journalists committed to the future of the Republic, were already in this fight for freedom since the launch of act 1.

And as we said, act 2 of the assault on dignity will be extended to all administrative regions of the country through the branches of the SPPG which will organize peaceful marches with drop-off points in the storefronts of governorates.

-Long live the SPPG!
-Long live freedom of the press!

Conakry, October 29, 2023

The National Office

#Blocking #SPPG #announces #march #November



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