Firefly Invasion: The Impact of Photinus signaticollis in Spain and the Iberian Peninsula

2023-10-29 23:17:00

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Photo: Wikipedia

A firefly of the species Photinus signaticollis, native to South America, has already established itself in Spain and other parts of the Iberian Peninsula. The colonization of this species in this territory began in 2016. (You may be interested in: The world is moving towards an energy transition, but who pays for it?)

An article published in the magazine Journal of Insect Conservation carried out an analysis of the migration and establishment of this species on that continent. According to the investigation, for seven years there have been records of this animal in France, crossing the Pyrenees, and in Spain.

The city in which he has most managed to establish himself is Girona, Spain, which is located near the coast and the border with France. The worrying thing regarding its arrival, say the researchers, is that it is very difficult to estimate the impact it will have on the native species of these ecosystems.

Invasive species, which are those that do not belong to the ecosystem to which they are introduced, come to compete with local species for resources such as food, places to live, among others. When the invasive species has greater capabilities to win that competition, it can put flora and fauna species at risk of extinction. (We recommend: Why did Australia approve shooting wild horses from the air?)

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According to scientists, the climatic conditions, altitude and availability of resources in Girona and much of the Iberian Peninsula are similar to those found in areas where the firefly lives in South America.

This generates alert because it indicates that the right conditions may exist for its establishment to be successful and displace other species. The increase in registrations over several years is one of the indicators taken as a sign of its distribution throughout that area of ​​the European continent.

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