Massa continues in search of the radical vote, while the support of federal Peronism is consolidated

2023-10-30 00:53:12

Sergio Massa arrived this weekend Tucuman to accompany the swearing-in of Governor Osvaldo Jaldo. The Minister of Economy and presidential candidate thus ratified the support of the Peronist governors y sought to add to radicalism when trying to emulate a Raul Alfonsin with his proclamation of the preamble of the National Constitution.

Massa had an institutional agenda with an event included at the San Martín theater, but also a dinner and lunch reserved with the governors of Union for the Homeland at the residence of the outgoing president Juan Manzur.

The provincial leaders supported the Minister of Economy in his ultimatum to the oil companies to complete the refueling and reviewed the inspection operation for the November 19 runoff.

Already in Jaldo’s swearing-in, Massa reiterated his commitment to «start a new page of history, with a Government of national unity“as of December 10, and vindicated the figure of the late former president Raúl Alfonsín by saying that he “brought light to Argentine democracy.”

«I come once once more to ratify our commitment so that on December 10, After 40 years of democracy, in Argentina a new stage begins with a Government of national unity, where regardless of where the men and women who join come from, it allows us to build a new page of history«remarked the presidential candidate.

Thus, and just as the late former president of radicalism did, Massa cited the preamble of the National Constitution in the objective of «“build national unity to strengthen justice, consolidate internal peace, provide for the common defense, promote the general well-being and ensure the benefits of freedom.”.

“From Peronism, we embrace good men and women who believe in democratic values ​​in the country once morest those who call to destroy the essential values ​​of our country,” he said and called to accompany the ruling party “for public education and security in the hands of the State and not the carrying of weapons; for a country with public health and not for the sale of organs, and for respect for the environment and national production.

The call sectors of the UCR was also replicated this weekend in the Buenos Aires suburbs, where the mayor of Malvinas Argentinas inaugurated a plaza with a special mention for Alfonsín by remembering him as “an pioneer who had the mission of carrying forward the principles of memory, truth and justice«.

Federal Peronism ratified support for Massa

Looking ahead to the runoff, Sergio Massa already began to add support from federal Peronismwith two of his bishops, aso Natalia de la Sota (Córdoba) and Alejandro “Topo” Rodríguez (Buenos Aires)national deputies who are part of the Federal Interbloc that in the general elections supported the contender Juan Schiaretti.

Days ago, both the national representative of Córdoba for Córdoba Federal, Natalia de la Sota, and the deputy of Buenos Aires Identity, Alejandro “Topo” Rodríguez, highlighted Massa’s victory and aligned themselves under the slogan of the call for consensus and national unity , in front of Javier Milei.

Through social networks, both bishops of federal Peronism spoke regarding the scenario of the second round and confirmed that they will support Sergio Massa in that defining instance, once morest the libertarian Javier Milei.

From her account on the social network «I said it a while ago and I maintain it today: in a runoff scenario I was not going to be indifferent. The ideas proposed by La Libertad Avanza do not represent me. I want a State that embraces, with social justice, that supports production, with health and quality public education«He expressed this Sunday.

For his part, in an interview with the Córdoba deputy, Alejandro “Topo” Rodríguez reiterated that following the PASO “we said that in a runoff we were not going to be neutral or indifferent”, given that “we are not going to support the Bullrich model nor Milei’s because it is not what this stage of Argentina needs. Now, said the Buenos Aires deputy, «We want Sergio Massa to be the new president of Argentina and this occurs at a time in which there can be no third position. It’s Massa or it’s Milei. And in this context we have no doubt that it has to be Sergio Massa, the president«he emphasized.

In this way, strong voices are added in favor of Sergio Massa and his government project of national unity if he becomes president. In this regard, «Topo» Rodríguez pointed out: “Massa’s call for a government of national unity is interesting, we value the intention of the call.”

Along the same lines, Natalia de la Sota stressed: “I highlight and value this idea, and I said it on Sunday following the elections when Massa raised it.. It is an idea that my father, De la Sota, had been talking regarding ten years ago: to have a government of national unity, of reconciliation, the end of this rift that did so much damage to us.”.

“Córdoba is not going to give up its flags, and I say this on a personal basis. With our differences, but I want to discuss it with someone who does not say that the State has to withdraw and that it is the law of the jungle,” he concluded.

With information from Ámbito

#Massa #continues #search #radical #vote #support #federal #Peronism #consolidated



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