Upcoming Gale and Weather Forecast in Belgium: Thursday’s Deep Depression and Monday’s Rain Showers

2023-10-29 11:33:00

Hello Christian, indeed there is a good chance of experiencing our first gale of the season next Thursday. Basically, the situation starts from North America subject to an enormous air mass contrast and an initial descent of Arctic air. The latter progressing over the ocean will strengthen this upper-altitude jet current favorable to deepening depressions strengthening over Western Europe from Wednesday. The situation should be monitored for Thursday which would see a very deep depression approaching the country with, in my opinion, a good 80 km/h over the center of the country from the morning. Another gale is possible on Saturday but still a long way to be confirmed. We will be fixed but I estimate the probability of a gale in Belgium at 50-60% and 20-30% for a storm.

And regarding the rest of the country this Monday?

We will experience an initially fairly calm morning with nice clearings through high and medium clouds. More cloudiness in the southeast and even a few drops in southern Luxembourg while the sun will be more generous from the coast to the north.

Late morning and early followingnoon, the sky will become cloudy everywhere and an area of ​​rain will enter via the French border. The latter will be scattered at first before becoming continuous and moderate following 2-3 p.m. The regions north of the capital up to Liège where the coast will only see rain at the end of the followingnoon. In the evening, this area of ​​rain will transit towards the north and the regions near France as well as the south will return to drier weather. The maximums will reach 10 to 15°C and the wind will be moderate from the south or even quite strong at the end of the disturbance under a shower (55-70 km/h). Next night calm with clearings

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