Pension contributions for people over 65 must fall

2023-10-29 12:10:25

Upper Austria as a business location needs the experience of the older generation

Linz (OTS) “The lack of qualified workers particularly affects Upper Austria, as the number 1 economic and industrial federal state. It must therefore be possible to motivate more older people to continue working voluntarily, both with better health care and also – through financial incentives – to continue working voluntarily. Because working in old age must also be worthwhile in this phase of life,” states the Upper Austrian Business Location Initiative (IWS). The concrete demands for longer use of the life’s work and experience of older people have all been on the table for a long time, explains IWS CEO Gottfried Kneifel.

The seven-point program:

  • Elimination of the pension contributions currently due for voluntary additional income
  • Increase in the pension premium for each voluntary additional year
  • Reduction of additional wage costs for employees in the 55+ age group
  • Development of age-appropriate jobs and working time models
  • Promotion of health-promoting, preventative measures (of companies)
  • Promoting further vocational training measures for older people
  • Intensification of information work on additional income and partial pension

According to Statistics Austria, the average retirement age for men is currently 63.2 years – well below the statutory retirement age – and for women it is 60.7 years, i.e. exactly at the value that will be the statutory retirement age from 2024.

Questions & Contact:

Upper Austria Business Location Initiative
Prof. Gottfried Kneifel
IWS Managing Director

#Pension #contributions #people #fall



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