2023-10-29 06:02:03
Are you twins? Impossible !
Hayleigh and Lauren and their little twin sisters Leah and Miya – Source: spm
Hayleigh and Lauren were born in 2001 in the town of Hampshire, England. Surprise: they are twins who are born with an extremely rare characteristic, since one is white and the other is black. Lauren inherits her mother’s blue eyes, fair skin and red hair, while Hayleigh has her father’s black hair and dark complexion. This is what we call in scientific circles “biracial twins” and it is hardly usual. Obviously, the couple will make headlines.
Over the years, the young girls create a sensation around them. They also admitted that they were never bored by people’s stunned reactions. However, being unique can have its downsides. Although intrigued by this phenomenon, many people find it hard to believe that they are really twins. “ Some people can sometimes be hurtful with embarrassing reactions. They call us liars and ask us to show our ID cards to prove that we are really twins », Confided Hayleigh to The Sun newspaper in 2019.

Hayleigh et Lauren adolescentes – Source : spm
« And it’s only when we reveal our identity cards or our passports that people end up believing us. This is also when we see the shock on people’s faces. When we went to college it was even harder to explain it each time “, she continues. Lauren, the redhead, says that people tend to believe that they are only best friends rather than sisters. For their part, the doctors who looked into their case were surprised to find that the two women had such a different appearance from each other. Knowing that this genetic phenomenon only occurs very rarely, once in 500,000 cases.
A unique bond between the two sisters

Hayleigh and Lauren and their father – Source: spm
But the girls say they never let the inappropriate questions get them down. Instead, they often responded: “ It doesn’t matter, we are sisters and best friends. » In truth, since their earliest childhood, the twins have always been inseparable. In elementary school, they wanted to be together all the time. They shared their toys, their clothes and had the same interest in television and books.
« We were like celebrities when we were kids ! “, says Hayleigh. “ Everyone was curious and wanted to take photos with us. We were often even asked how it felt to be different twins. But for us it was completely normal. »
As their mother explains: “ They have always been the best of friends. Even today, they are very close and share many things together in all circumstances, even if physically they are very different “. An opinion well shared by the twins: “ We are similar in many things and even feel like we are connected to each other (…). We tend to say the same things at the same time or finish each other’s sentences ».
Hayleigh and Lauren said they were never really bullied. However, at school, some children asked why one was ” milk chocolate » and the other rather « White chocolate “. The twins were later separated into different classes in high school, although they made sure they were never separated outside of school. But, this distance will have been beneficial since they were pushed to have their own passions and interests. Thus, Hayleigh ended up studying drama and sociology at university, while Lauren instead chose to study art and business.
7 years later… the miracle happens once more!

The Durrant family – Source: spm
And the incredible happened once more. In 2009, the British couple welcomed twin girls once more…biracial! “ There is no easy way to explain all of this. I’m still in shock myself. I feel like I have two Mini-me », Confessed the dad. One thing is certain, following the arrival of Miya and Leah, it is no wonder that the family was glorified with a place of choice in the Guinness Book of Records. Just like their big sisters, the two babies were born with different skin tones. Leah inherited her mother’s skin color, while Miya inherited her father’s. But, unlike their older sisters, their physiques have become more similar over the years.

The twins Miya and Leah – Source: spm
The new twins said their big sisters were their “ heroines ». « I love my older sisters deeply. Miya and I want to be like them when we grow up “, confided Leah. “ They are the best big sisters you might have (…). They taught me that having a twin sister is the best thing in the world, even if we are not identical or even very different physically », underlines Miya. It is clear that the extraordinary bond that connects twins, biracial or not, is still relevant today. And these two pairs of binoculars are no exception.

The Durrant family – Source: spm
However, we take our hats off to the parents: they had a one in a million chance of giving birth to biracial twins once more. This unusual genetic phenomenon propels them to the rank of the only couple in the world to have welcomed two pairs of biracial twins.
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