Survey: New Wagenknecht party would get 14 percent

2023-10-28 19:53:01

In such a scenario, the AfD would be weakened the most, the opinion research institute Insa explained in its opinion poll for the newspaper “Bild am Sonntag”. The AfD would therefore get 17 percent, four percentage points less than the regular Sunday trend (excluding the Sahra Wagenknecht alliance). There is also a lot of voting potential among the “other parties”. In this scenario they would come to four percent, five percentage points less than the Sunday trend.

The SPD would get 15 percent (minus one), the Union would get 29 percent (minus two) and the FDP would get five percent (minus one). The Greens would get twelve percent (minus one), the Left would get four percent.

Running in the European elections

Wagenknecht announced on Monday that he would found his own party with a small team of allies at the turn of the year 2024 and then also set up state associations. The new party is scheduled to take part in the European elections in June.

According to the regular Sunday trend collected by Insa, the Union achieved a result beyond 30 percent for the first time since the federal election. Accordingly, the CDU and CSU achieved 31 percent this week, which is two percentage points more than in the previous week. As in the previous week, the German Chancellor’s Party SPD achieved 16 percent, and the Greens also remained stable at 13 percent. The FDP gained one point and is now at six percent. The AfD loses one percentage point compared to the previous week and now has 21 percent, the Left would miss out on entering the Bundestag with four percent (minus one). The other parties might gather nine percent (of which Free Voters three percent).


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