electricity, gas… Group purchasing offers return to France

2023-10-27 10:08:00


What if it was possible to save several dozen euros on your electricity or gas bills? While the price shield is gradually ending, the return of group energy purchasing offers are making a comeback in France, with the promise of making substantial savings.

Interrupted in 2021 due to the energy crisis, group energy purchasing offers are making a comeback. The concept: consumer associations or online comparators offer, in partnership with suppliers, subscriptions at reduced prices. In the space of a few days, the UFC Que Choisir association and the Selectra comparator launched their respective offers with Octopus Energy and Ekwateur.

“250 euros saved per year”

Objective for the consumer: save several dozen euros on electricity bills. This is the case of Bernard, retired. He has been subscribing to the group purchasing offers offered by Selectra for several years. Monday, when he received the new offer from the comparator, in partnership with Ekwateur, he did not hesitate for a single second.

“Compared to my current supplier, I calculated that it saved me at least 250 euros per year. And we are certain, for a year, to pay 14% less than a regulated rate”, he explains at the microphone of Europe 1. If the discount is guaranteed for a year, the price of the kWh, for its part, will monitor the evolution of regulated electricity prices.

Gain visibility

For their part, UFC Que Choisir and Octopus Energy offer a fixed rate for two years. “We expect that there will be an increase of around 10% in the regulated price in February 2024. This is why our offer, with its price fixity over two years, is real security tariff”, boasts Cédric Musso of the UFC Que Choisir association.

Contacted by Europe 1, Octopus Energy recognizes that this measure has a cost. But for energy suppliers, it also allows them to gain visibility.

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