Secur-Data practical seminar October 2023 | Secur-Data, October 27, 2023

2023-10-27 14:32:42

Exciting update on domestic and international data protection

Vienna (OTS) Developments in data protection law have occurred rapidly in recent months: a long-awaited adequacy decision, implementation deadlines for the HSchG and a number of EU acts that pose open questions for domestic companies.

The semi-annual event took place on October 23rd and 24th, 2023 at the renowned Hilton Plaza Hotel in Vienna Secur-Data practical seminar on data protection and information security instead of. The event was hosted by Managing Director Mag. Judith Leschanz and the recognized industry expert, Professor Hans-Jürgen Pollirer, organized. The two-day seminar offered experts from various industries a unique opportunity to find out regarding the latest developments in the area of ​​data protection and IT security.

The high-profile event presented a wide range of specialist lectures that covered the entire range of topics from fundamental questions of data protection law to current European Union laws and case law. Participants had the opportunity to benefit from tried-and-tested examples and recommendations and to exchange ideas with like-minded people.

A special highlight of the event was the presence of a representative of the data protection authority, who explained the latest decisions of the DSB to the participants. This enabled those present to gain a deep insight into the latest developments and take a look behind the scenes.

The diverse field of participants included representatives from various sectors, including banking, healthcare, industry and gaming. One focus was, among other things, on the topic of artificial intelligence and the associated challenges as well as protection once morest hacker attacks in times of digitalization. These topics met with great interest and led to exciting discussions among the participants.

“We are proud that our semi-annual seminar was such a huge success. Privacy and information security are critical in today’s connected world. Our event provided professionals from various industries the opportunity to learn regarding the latest developments, best practices to exchange ideas and make valuable contacts. We are firmly convinced that the knowledge imparted here will help make our digital world safer.”said Mag. Judith Leschanz, Managing Director of Secur-Data Betriebsberatungsgesellschaft mbH

The semi-annual practical seminar on data protection and information security has become a fixed date in the calendar of data protection experts and industry representatives and is expected to take place once more in spring 2024. Further information and details regarding future events can be found on the Secur-Data Betriebsberatungsgesellschaft mbH website

Questions & Contact:

Questions & Contact:

Mag. Judith Leschanz, managing director
Fischerstiege 9, 1010 Vienna, Austria
TEL +43 (1) 533 4207-14 FAX -19

#SecurData #practical #seminar #October #SecurData #October



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