Effective Methods to Reduce Body Fat and Improve Health: Steps for Burning Fat, Exercise Tips, and Sign of Progress

2023-10-27 19:12:57

A high percentage of body fat is linked to many health problems such as heart disease and diabetes, so it is important to reduce it in the body through healthy methods.

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, healthy levels of body fat depend on your age.

For people aged 20 to 39 years, the percentage of healthy body fat for women is between 21% to 32% of body weight, and for men it should be 8% to 19%. For people aged 40 to 59 years, the normal percentage of fat in women is between 23% and 33%, and in men it is 11% to 21%. For people aged 60 to 79 years, the percentage of healthy fats for women is 24% to 35%, and for men it is 13% to 24%.

One of the most important ways to reduce body fat is to ensure physical activity, and here we review the most prominent of these activities:

Up the stairs

Climbing the stairs every day for 10 minutes can ensure healthy heart activity and lead to burning fat and losing weight. Climbing the stairs also helps in shaping your legs.

Jump in place

Jumping is a simple and effective exercise that can be done anywhere without any equipment. It helps improve cardiovascular endurance, strengthen muscles, and burn calories.

To perform jumping jacks, start by standing straight with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Jump and spread your legs wide while raising your arms above your head. Repeat this exercise for one minute, then rest for 15 seconds, then repeat 3 times.

Squat exercise

Squats are an excellent lower body exercise that can be done in a short period of time, and helps burn grease and strengthen your legs, hips and buttocks.

To perform a squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed slightly outward. Slowly bend your knees and lower your hips as if you were sitting in a chair. Keep your back straight, and make sure that your knees do not go beyond your toes. Get back up and repeat for 1 minute, rest for 15 seconds, then repeat for 3 sets.

push up

Push-ups are a great exercise that targets the chest, shoulders and arms, and helps burn fat and build upper body strength.

To perform push-ups, start with your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart and your feet together behind you. Lower your body toward the floor by bending your elbows and keeping your back straight. Push your body back to the starting position and repeat for 1 minute, rest for 15 seconds, then repeat for 3 sets.

How do I make my body burn fat quickly?

Relax for 10 minutes: Sometimes the best thing you can do for your waistline and your sanity is rest. Take a 10-minute break from your busy life and do nothing at all. Turn off the phone, TV, and computer.
Why is this so important for weight loss? Stress produces a hormone called cortisol that can increase your appetite. Think regarding it: When you feel anxious, do you crave sugary, high-fat foods? Or do you unconsciously snack when you feel very stressed? Studies show that meditating regularly — even for a short period of time — can help reduce your stress levels so it doesn’t sabotage your weight loss.
Reduce 100 calories: It can be difficult to cut a significant amount of calories from your daily diet. So, forget trying to overhaul your entire diet, instead cut just 100 calories from each meal. This means cutting out a spoonful of butter on your toast, or a tablespoon of mayonnaise on your sandwich.
Reducing a total of 300 calories divided into 3 meals can make you lose 1.5 kilograms per month.
Exercise for 10 minutes: When you have a busy schedule, going to the gym for an hour a day is next to impossible, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get fit.
Studies show that 10 minutes of exercise throughout your day can be just as effective, if not more so, than one longer session.
Overcome the urge to eat by walking: Next time you feel like eating a piece of candy, try walking for 10 minutes instead. Several studies show that moderate exercise, such as walking, may help reduce food cravings.

What is the most powerful fat burner?

There is no specific substance that burns fat, and fat is burned by eating less than your daily calorie needs, and this makes your body burn the energy from its fat stores.

Burn fat while sleeping

Eat a light meal two hours before bed, so that you do not feel heavy and also do not have to wake up at night hungry. Create a sleep-friendly environment, put away the phone and turn off the lights. Do not drink caffeine such as coffee and tea in the evening. Wear comfortable clothes to sleep.

Signs that indicate burning fat in the body

How do you know that your health is improving and your fat loss journey is progressing? Here are some signs that you are losing weight, according to a report in Healthline.

I’m not hungry all the time: If you’re losing weight because you changed your diet to include more proteins and fewer carbohydrates and fats, you may notice that you feel full faster.
This is because the amino acids found in dietary protein send a satisfaction signal to your brain, and this signal is not sent by eating the same number of calories in fat or carbohydrates.
Psychological improvement: Losing weight can lead to an overall improvement in your mental health. In a 2013 study, people who were trying to lose weight reported feeling more energetic, more self-control, less depressed, and less anxious than they felt before losing weight.
Your clothes have become looser: You may notice that it doesn’t take you as much effort to fit into your jeans, even before you see a big difference on the scale, which can motivate you to keep doing what you’re doing.
Your muscle tone becomes clearer: It may take some time – usually weeks or months – to build strength and see signs of improvement. How quickly you see changes will depend on your body and the type of exercise you have included in your plan.
If you want to continue building muscle while losing weight, experts recommend getting enough (but not too much) protein and doing resistance exercises like push-ups, squats and weightlifting.
Less pain: Losing weight can help reduce pain, especially in weight-bearing areas of the body, such as the lower legs and lower back. A study showed that losing 20% ​​of body weight significantly improved knee pain and inflammation in people with arthritis.
Your blood pressure drops: Being overweight can have a negative effect on your blood pressure, making you vulnerable to strokes and heart attacks. One way to lower blood pressure is to lose weight by eating a healthy diet and moving more. If you lose weight, you reduce the stress on your heart and begin to normalize your blood pressure.
Snoring less: Snoring has a complex relationship with weight. Researchers have found that people (especially women) with metabolic syndrome have a tendency to snore.
In fact, snoring and sleep apnea may lead to weight gain. For this reason, weight loss is often one of the targeted treatments for people who snore and have sleep disorders.
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