Financial Aid for Green Second Homes: Exploring Options for Energy Transition

2023-10-26 19:03:11

Even if ecology is at the heart of everyone’s concerns, the energy transition has a cost. For owners wishing to opt for a more environmentally friendly alternative, the question of financial aid often arises. But what about for those who want to make their second home greener? Let’s take a look at the available devices.

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Replacing oil boilers: new regulations

Since July 1, 2022, stricter regulations have shaken up the world of energy renovation. Replace one oil boiler by a similar model is now prohibited. Owners must therefore reorient themselves towards more ecological alternatives, such as heat pumps or pellet stoves. Fortunately, many systems exist to meet these new requirements, ranging from gas boilers to solar thermal systems. And if your current boiler is still working, there is no obligation to replace it immediately.

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Financial aid: not always for second homes

“I inherited a house from my parents, considered a second home. Currently heated with oil, I am seriously considering modernizing it. Am I entitled to help for a new gas boiler or heat pump? »asks Christine, resident of Bordeaux.

Bad news for Christine and others in her situation. Second homes do not benefit from the majority of aid dedicated to energy renovation.

One of the main aids, “MaPrimeRénov”, is strictly reserved for main residences and rental properties. A clarification provided by theNational Housing Agency (Anah).

That being said, all is not lost. The device Energy Saving Certificate (EEC) remains an option for second home owners. This assistance, offered by energy suppliers, aims to finance, in part or in full, energy saving work by individuals. According to, this system is accessible to owners or tenants of housing more than two years old, whether it is a primary or secondary residence. The benefit is proportional to the energy savings achieved and the income of the applicant, resulting in a bonus, a voucher or reductions.

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To benefit from it, a specific procedure must be followed, available on the French administration website.

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Beyond the CEE: local initiatives

Some communities do not limit themselves to primary residences in their effort to promote energy renovation. In fact, some departments or urban communities offer aid for second homes. It is therefore recommended to consult local arrangements, which can vary considerably from one region to another.

Conclusion : The energy transition, although beneficial for the environment, represents a cost for owners. The aid available is a godsend, but it is vital to be well informed about its applicability, especially for second homes.

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Related tags : heat pump, second home, financial aid, energy renovation, CEE, MaPrimeRénov, oil boiler, Anah, energy transition.

Price of a heat pump depending on the surface area of ​​the house:

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