2023-10-26 09:13:53
Work more to earn more. The AP-HP (Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Parisian public hospitals) indicated this Wednesday its intention to grant bonuses to caregivers who give up vacation time to be present during the Olympic Games, confirming information from the Parisian.
According to an AP-HP spokesperson, these bonuses will concern caregivers in around sixty services (out of around 800 in total) who will have staffing needs higher than the summer normal due to the Paris 2024 Olympics.
From 800 to 2,500 euros gross per week depending on status
Caregivers who give up their usual vacation to work will benefit from a bonus per week worked, of 2,500 euros gross for doctors, 1,200 euros gross for hospital civil servants in category A (notably nurses), 1,000 euros gross for categories B, and 800 euros gross for categories C.
Weeks of vacation not taken can be taken later or put “in a time savings account,” said the spokesperson.
Holidays postponed or spared
To start implementing the system, the AP-HP is asking caregivers from the services concerned to declare their vacation intentions earlier than usual. They will have to communicate their wishes by “the end of November”, indicated the spokesperson. “The idea is first to predict” the staff who will be available during the Olympics period, she said.
According to the figures of Parisianconfirmed by the AP-HP, it will be necessary to mobilize around 750 additional medical and paramedical professionals compared to a normal summer period.
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