Challenging the Overpension Privileges: The Battle for Fair Pension Regulations

2023-10-26 06:58:00

According to the PTB, after Siegfried Bracke, fourteen former Brussels deputies went to court to keep their overpensions beyond the Wijninckx ceiling. The Pension Fund of the Brussels Parliament must therefore appear this Thursday before the First Chamber of the French-speaking Court of First Instance of Brussels, the far-left group indicated in a press release on Thursday morning.

The issue of overpensions hit the headlines last April. In the Federal, Flemish, Walloon and Brussels Parliaments, the various deputies had decided not to apply the legal ceiling called “Wijyninckx Ceiling” to themselves.

Different mechanisms then made it possible to exceed the maximum ceiling of €7,800 imposed on statutory civil service agents.

Following these revelations, the Brussels parliament, like the other assemblies concerned, suspended the overpensions and voted unanimously for the Pension Fund which manages the pensions of former Brussels deputies to adapt its regulations.

According to the PTB, this is not to the taste of former deputies from the MR, PS, ex-cdH and Open Vld parties who are loudly demanding that they want to keep their privileges.

For Sofie Merckx, head of the PTB group in the Chamber, “totally disconnected”, they complain of having suffered prejudice, while they took advantage of their situation to grant themselves privileges, by granting themselves a pension scheme much more favorable than any other worker.

The head of the PTB group in the Brussels Parliament, Françoise De Smedt, asked these parliamentarians to abandon their procedure, especially in a period where budget cuts and price increases for STIB and water are planned for the majority. workers

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#Fourteen #Brussels #deputies #court #to.. #overpension

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