2023-10-25 21:10:00
In a hot press conference, the president of the Radical Civic Union (UCR), Gerardo Moralescriticized in harsh terms Patricia Bullrich y Mauricio Macri for his decision to support the candidacy of Javier Miley in the runoff once morest Sergio Massanext November 19.
Three days following the elections where the Unión por la Patria candidate received the most votes, followed by the libertarian, irreversible changes began in Together for Change as a result of the third place obtained in the elections. This Wednesday at noon, Bullrich assured that he would support Milei in the head-to-head match once morest Massa, a decision that generated anger in the referents. ucerreistas.
Before Morales and Senator Martín Lousteau explained their position, the UCR issued a statement detailing that it would not openly support either candidate.
“The UCR will not support either of the two candidates. Neither of them guarantees a future of progress for Argentina. “Sergio Massa is as responsible as Alberto Fernández and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner for the state of the country, its impoverishment, the inflationary process, corruption and the social and economic deterioration of Argentina,” the text says in a passage. Subsequently, both Morales and Lousteau harshly questioned Bullrich and Macri.
The strongest phrases of Morales and Lousteau once morest Bullrich and Mauricio Macri
“It seems very bad to me. “Both Patricia Bullrich and Mauricio Macri are largely responsible for putting Together for Change at risk.”the governor of Jujuy began by saying regarding the decision made known this Wednesday.
And he added: “What both Mauricio and Patricia have done seems very serious to me. I’m ashamed of others. “They are outside the coalition, it is a lack of respect for radicalism.”
One of Morales’ most forceful phrases was regarding an alleged arrangement between Macri and the LLA economist, following the press conference, where he was asked if there were already agreements for the election of positions: “Criminal cases settled”said the man from Jujuy, referring to the accusations that persist in court once morest the former president.
Then, Morales complained to both PRO leaders regarding the unilateral nature of the determination: “Patricia Bullrich and Mauricio Macri decided to leave Together for Change because the Together for Change parties did the exercise that we did today. We come together to say ‘neither’. The PRO didn’t even meet. They made a unilateral decision. That is abandoning Together for Change: it is abandoning the collective decision-making mechanism.“, said.
In a harsher tone, he stated that “Macri is happy because that’s what he wanted, to screw up the life of Together for Change” and added that in the coalition “the decision-making system” was broken. “It is broken. This departure from Patricia and Mauricio puts the continuity of JxC at risk. We are going to continue betting on a responsible opposition space. That is our role, that is where the people have put us,” he added.
The day Carrió anticipated Mauricio Macri’s “turn”: “He doesn’t want to be in Together for Change, he wants to be with Milei”
Then he launched criticism once morest the presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza and said that he is not going to participate “in a government that is impregnated with Kirchnerists and that has degraded Argentina.” “What is coming with Milei is worse. It is a leap into the void. Milei is my limit. We are not going to integrate any type of government,” she asserted.
“The Homeland is going to be more in danger with her and Milei,” Morales said regarding the former presidential candidate. Lousteau did not hold back on criticism either: “Milei is an extremist demagogue. What I saw from Patricia is that she retracted everything she said in the campaign. I saw an agreement behind the scenes that we don’t know what it is regarding. “Bullrich and Macri did it, who didn’t even dare to appear.”
#forceful #phrases #Morales #Lousteau #Bullrich #Macri