Argentina Elections: Sergio Massa vs Javier Miley – A Closer Look at the Runoff

2023-10-25 14:04:20

The electoral campaign of Argentina opened a new chapter for the runoff between the Minister of Economy Sergio Massa, the most voted in the first round; and the libertarian Javier Mileystill affected by the setback of going from favorite to having to overcome seven points of distance.

Sergio Massawhich obtained 36.6% of the votes, emerges strengthened as a leader capable of gaining support despite an annual inflation of 140% and with four weeks ahead, in which any economic slip will be a fall.

Meanwhile, the rearmament of the strategies for the second round on November 19will be for Javier Miley a thorny path in need of conquering the only portion of the electorate that may be related to it: that which voted for Patricia Bullrich (Together for Change, right), third with 23.8% of the votes, according to analysts.

“How am I not going to incorporate her, if she has been successful in combating insecurity,” he said. Javier Miley regarding the former Minister of Security, in a radio interview The Observer this Monday.

“The crack is over”

The result is not well known, Javier Miley (29.9%) had already tried a drastic change in strategy on Sunday and picked up Bullrich’s main campaign sword: “End Kirchnerism.”

“We are in the race and we have a chance to win,” the far-right candidate said on radio this Monday. Network. “Two thirds (of the electorate) do not want Kirchnerism,” she added.

But the play has dilemmas. “Massa He is not a Kirchnerist. Massa “It’s massista,” Morresi clarified. Massa “He says ‘I am not responsible for the cultural struggles that Kirchnerism has promoted’, he talks regarding his future government, not this government, he talks regarding a broader alliance, not regarding bringing Kirchnerism back to power,” he added.

In his speech on Sunday, the minister of the center-left coalition Unión por la Patria assured that “the rift is over” following reiterating that, if he wins the presidency, he will call on all forces to build a unity government.

“It seems like a mistake to propose that the next stage be linked only to Peronism,” he said. Sergio Massa to reporters on Monday. “We are going to a government of national unity. I am going to convene the best of the different political forces, regardless of their origin, because I believe that we have to build State policies.”

Fear of the chainsaw

In his opinion, the flow of votes he obtained despite being the Minister of Economy of an economy in crisis represents that “he was perceived by the electorate as the most capable of presiding over the country in a situation of chaos like the one it is experiencing now.” .

Added to the runaway inflation is the exchange rate run while the annual interest rate is 133% and poverty reaches 40%.

This Monday the stock market collapsed 12.36%, but following several days of gains. Bonds in dollars also fell and the parallel or ‘blue’ dollar was quoted at 1,100 pesos per note, an increase of 22% compared to Friday. In the official market it is listed at 365.50 pesos.

Massa first, Milei behind: what happened in the Argentine elections? | Source: AFP

The proposal for dollarization, privatization and abrupt cuts in public spending represented by the lit chainsaw he brandished Javier Miley At their rallies, “it went from something funny to something scary,” said Timerman.

“People think ‘this one is coming to destroy everything’ and there are those who want to maintain certain rights,” he said.

Sergio Massa interpreted the vote in this sense by indicating that the country “will face” the reforms that the 21st century imposes, “without this meaning giving up the protection of rights that the Argentina over many years and that have to do with the care of the most vulnerable.

New Congress

However, the flow of votes from the far right represented a reconfiguration for the National Congress, where it went from having three deputies to a bloc of 38.

The Peronist Unión por la Patria (UP) lost 10 seats and will be the first minority in the Chamber of Deputies from December 10, with 108 of the 257 seats.

This new balance means that, if it is a government once more, Peronism will need agreements to achieve the regulatory quorum to debate.

The second force in the lower house will continue to be Together for Change, with 93 deputies, following retaining only 31 of the 55 it put into play.

#Argentina #Sergio #Massa #confident #Javier #Milei #hunting #votes



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