Understanding Smear Test for Flora: Insights from a Gynecologist at Yakut Republican Clinical Hospital

2023-10-25 02:32:00

Women know that any visit to the gynecologist is accompanied by this diagnostic study, since it is included in the gold standard of the annual preventive examination. We will learn more regarding him from the doctor of the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory of the Yakut Republican Clinical Hospital, Valentina Alexandrova.

What does a smear on the flora show, Valentina Vasilievna?

— A smear on the flora allows you to determine the composition of the microflora of the urethra, vagina and cervical canal, the number of epithelium, leukocytes, and also identify the presence of pathogens such as Trichomonas, gonococci and fungi of the genus Candida. With a normal type of smear or “normocinosis” in women, rod flora (lactobacillus) predominates, single leukocytes and squamous epithelial cells are found. Any deviation from the norm is pathology, inflammation or dysbiosis. Gynecologists send smears of all admitted patients to our clinical diagnostic laboratory. The reasons for hospitalization vary: from threatened abortion to ovarian cysts. In almost every third woman we detect inflammation of various etiologies (common causes are bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis, rare but “marked” causes are trichomoniasis and gonorrhea). Any research method, like ours, has its pros and cons. The advantages are that in the smear you can find elements of inflammation and some specific pathogens such as diplococci, which cause gonorrhea, trichomonas, responsible for trichomoniasis, spores and mycelium of yeast-like fungi, causing candidiasis or thrush. The disadvantages are that the flora smear does not detect viruses, chlamydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasma. A PCR test is used for this.

— How to prepare for the analysis and how often should it be taken?

— Before the analysis, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse, douching and the use of vaginal suppositories for a day or two. The test should be taken between periods, or two to three days following their end. For symptoms of inflammation, bacterial vaginosis and once a year during routine preventive examinations.

Do you need to get tested more often? Who would you advise to undergo a smear test for flora?

— A smear for flora, first of all, must be taken by those who have signs of inflammation: discharge, unpleasant odor, itching, burning, discomfort in the genital tract.

What would you like to draw readers’ attention to when talking regarding women’s health?

— While doing cytological studies, as well as microscopy of smears for flora, I noticed that our youth do not have sexual literacy. Often, girls born in 2003-2005 are admitted to the gynecology department of our hospital with a threatened abortion, and in their smear we find inflammation caused by Trichomonas vaginalis, in other words, trichomoniasis. I would like to see health education programs on sexual literacy carried out in educational institutions.

I absolutely agree with you! Thank you for the consultation, Valentina Vasilievna.

Photo: courtesy of V.V. Alexandrova

Source: Zoya IGNATIEVA

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