Sleep Secrets: Discover 10 Tips for Quality Sleep and Comfort from Dr. Amp

2023-10-25 12:16:05

Found 10 secrets to sleeping comfortably. Quality sleep From Dr. Amp – Dr. Tanupon Wirunhakarun that will make us sleep well. Refreshing body Get out of the cycle of stress and insomnia. With simple steps Various formats

In this era, we must admit that living life is not easy. In addition to people of working age experiencing high levels of stress, people of other ages are also affected by stress. When stressed, I often can’t sleep. Resulting in brain fatigue, bad mood, and accumulated stress. weekend Please take the reader out of “Stress cycle – insomnia – irritability – more stress than before” with good advice from Dr. Amp – Dr. Tanupon Wirunhakarun, a specialist in lifestyle medicine (Lifestyle Medicine) which focuses on changing behavior for good health

Dr. Amp – Dr. Tanupon Wirunhakarun

4 health problems that occur when we don’t get enough sleep

First of all, let’s understand that When we don’t get enough sleep, what negative effects will it have on our body? Why are we tired and irritated? Plus more stress than before!

Processing and memory – Getting enough sleep It is important to Brain Plasticity or the brain’s ability to adapt to incoming information. If we sleep too little We will not be able to process what we have learned during the day. and have problems remembering

Removing waste from brain cells – Sleep is also important for removing waste from brain cells. The process of cleansing the brain (Glymphatic system), which is best done during deep sleep (Deep Non-REM Sleep), to eliminate beta-amyloid (ß-amyloid), a type of protein. Important causes of Alzheimer’s disease Or is it dementia?

Wasting – Sleep also plays a role in the body’s metabolism. Lack of sleep makes us more likely to eat more food. and the response of the hormone insulin to sugar decreases Early indicators of type 2 diabetes.

Affects the functioning of the body – When people don’t get enough sleep Health risks also increase, such as depression. migraine headache high blood pressure Increased risk of heart disease The immune system works less. Increases the chance of illness and infection, including accidents, premature skin aging, or even a decreased sex drive (Impaired Sexual Health).

10 tips for sleeping comfortably Wake up bright and early.

After seeing how not getting enough sleep affects the body. I believe everyone must want to sleep better. But what to do? Doctor Amp has some great tips to tell you.

Sleep at the same time regularly.

So that sleep is consistent with the biological clock or the cycle of the human body’s functioning system. Therefore we should get enough sleep. Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day.

When it’s time to sleep, the body produces 2 types of hormones: ‘melatonin’, the hormone of sleep. To make you feel sleepy and ‘Growth Hormone’ which is a hormone that slows aging. Come out to revive the body. The secretion of all these hormones corresponds to Circadian Rhythms, which are our body’s daily cycles.

Going to bed around 10:00 p.m. or as late as 11:00 p.m. allows you to reach the deep sleep period around 11:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m., which is the time when Growth hormone is released to the maximum. Adults should get 7 – 9 hours of sleep every night. In order to sleep in one night, there should be approximately 4 – 6 sleep cycles and approximately 20% deep sleep and sleep for the full cycle of sleep. To wake up refreshed

Avoid using any electronic devices 1-2 hours before bedtime.

When the light of day fades The body releases the hormone melatonin. Makes us feel sleepy and ready to sleep, but blue light (Blue Light) from mobile phone screens, computer screens, and TV screens affects our brain waves and also suppresses the secretion of the hormone melatonin. Makes you not feel sleepy Blue light also reduces the duration of deep sleep and dreaming (REM; Rapid Eye Movement) periods, which are important periods for learning and brain function.

Therefore, you should avoid using all types of electronic devices regarding 1 – 2 hours before bedtime. Because of the blue light from these devices As a result, it becomes more difficult to fall asleep and the quality of sleep decreases.

adjust diet

It is recommended to avoid large meals before bedtime. Foods that are high in sugar, starch, and sodium And it is recommended to finish eating dinner before 7:00 p.m., or regarding 2 to 4 hours before going to bed.

Also avoid beverages that contain caffeine such as tea, coffee, and soft drinks because caffeine has a stimulating effect on brain function. Helps the nervous system to be alert. If you are going to drink these drinks, you should drink them before 2:00 p.m. because generally the liver takes regarding 8 hours to expel caffeine from the body. If you drink it following 2:00 p.m., the body will not be able to expel the caffeine in time. and results in worse sleep

avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages

Research has shown that smoking one cigarette puts us in 1-2 minutes less deep sleep than non-smokers. The reason is that nicotine has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Thus preventing the body from entering deep sleep. and makes it difficult to sleep As for drinking alcohol Even though it creates a feeling of relaxation. But drinking alcohol before bed disrupts the sleep cycle. Affects brain waves The balance between deep sleep (Deep Sleep) and dream sleep (REM) causes the quality of sleep to be impaired. and sleep is more disturbed

Meditate, reduce stress, let go of things.

Don’t let stress follow you into bed. And even if we have to stop looking at social media or watching streaming to relieve stress for 2 hours before bed. But there are other ways. There are many ways to relax without staring at a screen, such as knitting, crocheting, stringing beads, making a mask strap, looking at Buddha images, coloring, putting together jigsaw puzzles, and even meditating. Just choose to do an activity you like at least 30 minutes before going to bed. It reduces heart rate and blood pressure. The breath became slower and deeper. Research has found that these physical changes help us fall asleep more easily.

Exercise in the morning or followingnoon.

The form of exercise that is beneficial to sleep varies from person to person. Aerobic exercise, resistance training, or yoga Continuously on a regular basis results in better sleep quality. It also reduces the risk of anxiety and depression. which is a key factor in the problem of insomnia (Insomnia)

Just 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per day is enough to relieve anxiety. And it helps you sleep better. Importantly, you should avoid exercising at least 3 hours before going to bed. Because it may cause the body to wake up. fast heartbeat and more difficult to sleep

Adjust the bedroom environment

This is very important, but people rarely think regarding it. That is, adjusting the bedroom environment to be suitable for sleeping. By turning off the lights and making it completely dark. Because blue light from LED bulbs or fluorescent bulbs interferes with the production of the hormone melatonin. But if disturbing light cannot be avoided It is recommended to use an eye mask to reduce the brightness of the light. Or adjusting to using light in orange or yellow tones can help.

You should also try to avoid noise. or use foam earplugs Adjust the temperature inside the room appropriately at around 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius to help you sleep more comfortably.

Maintain a suitable body weight

People who are obese are more likely to have sleep problems than people who are not obese. Including being more sleepy and feeling tired during the day. Many health problems found in overweight people affect sleep, such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), which is caused by obstruction of the airways. causing poor sleep Wake up and not feel refreshed. Have acid reflux (GERD; Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) that creates a burning sensation in the chest. and symptoms that often get worse when lying down, such as osteoarthritis that disturbs sleep, etc.

Therefore, maintaining an appropriate body weight It not only improves the quality of sleep. But it also improves our overall health.

Take a nap (Power nap)

If you feel sleepy during the day Taking a daytime nap or Power nap is like adding a spare battery. to relieve fatigue and helps you feel rejuvenated once more And it also pulls the memories received in the morning into the brain. Because it goes through sleep stages 1 and 2, like sleeping at night, the technique is to nap for regarding 25 – 30 minutes, but don’t sleep during the day following 4 p.m. Because it may cause you to not be able to sleep at night.

Some supplements can help.

If anyone has tried many methods but still cannot sleep well. Taking certain supplements can help relieve insomnia. But when using medicines or herbs, you should consult a medical professional. or pharmacist before use every time

If anyone has insomnia problems, try exploring. Tips for sleeping comfortably From the doctor, please tell me if there are any things that we can adjust our behavior to be conducive to sleep. Let’s start with something simple. That we can do, then we can add it one section at a time.

…I hope everyone has good dreams, sleeps deeply, sleeps comfortably, and wakes up refreshed every morning.

Thank you for the information from Dr. Tanupon Wirunhakarun, President of the Bangkok Association of Rehabilitation Physicians and the Promotion of Obesity Education (BARSO), physician specializing in lifestyle medicine (Lifestyle Medicine) and Chairman of the BDMA Executive Board. S Wellness Clinic

Reference source

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