7 sports to build muscle when you don’t want to do bodybuilding

2023-10-24 14:00:09

We’re not going to lie, bodybuilding is the best option when you want to develop muscle mass.

It was also created for this. However, far from being unanimous, This discipline does not excite everyone.

So if grunting while ogling your protruding veins in a mirror is not your thing, but you still want to have an athletic and muscular figure, we offer you 7 good alternatives.

#1: climbing

Climbing gyms have become commonplace and it’s not for nothing!

This very complete activity uses many muscles (arms, shoulders, legs, abs, back, etc.) and promotes overall muscle strengthening.

By getting started actively, you will potentially enjoy a lean and muscular physique that you can show off in the boulders in your area!

Unlike bodybuilding, climbing also allows you to develop your functional strength and work on your balance, your coordination of movements, your flexibility and your agility.

Can also be practiced in the middle of sublime landscapesforcing you to control your stress and your concentration, while overcoming obstacles, this sport also offers a multitude of mental benefits.

The actor Jason Momoa is a good example, he confesses to finding bodybuilding very boring… his favorite thing is climbing!

Well, it’s not guaranteed that you will be able to achieve the same physique, the guy still has some serious genetics…

#2: swimming

Men and women alike, if you have ever looked at photos of professional swimmers, you have certainly admired their physique massive V-shaped.

Swimming is therefore an excellent alternative to bodybuilding when you want to obtain a dream body.

This discipline offers complete and perfectly balanced muscle development, increases your endurance and your cardiovascular capacities, and also burns many calories, between 500 et 600 kcal/h.

Its big advantage is that swimming presents a low impact on joints, you therefore considerably reduce the risk of injury.

Known to reduce stress, it can also improve quality of sleep.

Read also: Swimmer’s physique: 8 keys to creating a V-shaped body thanks to swimming

#3 : le CrossFit

While bodybuilding may seem quite boring and boring to some, crossfit, for its part, combines a wide variety of exercises, at the crossroads between several sporting disciplines (HIIT, gymnastics, weightlifting and circuit training), it increases strength and builds muscle throughout the body.

Thanks to his training high intensityyou considerably improve your endurance and burn a maximum of calories, between 500 and 700 kcal/h.

In addition to its physical benefits, crossfit is an activity that takes place in a group, which allows you to make friends and provides a strong community feeling.

Also read: The truth regarding CrossFit: can you really gain muscle and what physique to expect?

#4 : at the booths

Boxers often have a toned silhouette, well-defined muscles and little body fat.

Their muscles are well developed without being too bulky.

Be careful, this sport can nevertheless leave some marks on the face, it is not for nothing that we use the expression “boxer nose”.

First of all, you should know that boxing is not just regarding fighting in a ring, in reality the fights represent only a tiny part of the training.

Before that, you will chain the absthe minutes of jumping rope, running laps of the room and sessions of hits a bag.

As a result, you benefit from varied exercises and an intense cardio session, you develop your power, your speed and your agility.

Read also: + 10 kg of muscles in one year, what (really) happened to Conor McGregor during his astonishing transformation

#5: rowing

Rowing is an activity that mobilizes 85% of muscle mass, much more than cycling or running.

So don’t make the mistake of believing that, just because this sport is practiced sitting down, there is little chance of you sculpting a dream body.

Besides, we only have to observe the morphology of athletes, well-muscled legs and back, perfectly shaped glutes and abs and powerful arms.

Rowing has many advantages: it helps to improve physical condition, makes you lose approximately 300 calories in 20 minutes, it develops cardio, is exercised outdoors and has a low impact on the joints.

It is a perfect alternative to bodybuilding and does not require you to be an Olympic athlete to do it successfully.

#6: the gym

A typical gym session includes a combination of several exercises, combining muscle strengthening, strength training, work of the flexibility and of the balance.

Which certainly explains why gymnasts enjoy athletic physiques, strong musculature, low body fat and great agility.

That being said, if bodybuilding does not appeal to everyone, the same goes for gymnastics.

You should not be afraid of heights or of hurting yourself when working with equipment such as uneven bars or the balance beam.

But once you have overcome these few mental obstacles, know that with the gym, you develop both your strength, your power and your endurance, while providing your body with complete muscle development.

Read also: Discover the secret of gymnasts to having such big arms

#7 : le squash

First of all, squash allows you toeliminate a lot of calories (nearly 900 per hour), making it a very effective sport for refining the figure.

Using many muscles, it allows you to obtain a perfectly balanced build with very muscular thighs, buttocks and upper body.

Added to this is the fact that this discipline involves speed, reactivity, intensity and strong endurance, its benefits on the body are therefore multiple.

The icing on the cake, practicing as a duo, is also a good opportunity tocombine social life and sporting activity.

Updated by Emma on: 10/24/2023

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