Massa prepares his way to the runoff with the construction of a new majority

2023-10-24 01:37:06

Buenos Aires Correspondent

After the elections of October 22, the electoral contest that will define the new president of Argentina was defined. There will be a runoff between Sergio Massa and Javier Milei. “…in November, whatever the cost, in November we have to win…”. Employees of the Ministry of Economy, many of them enrolled in UPCN and ATE, euphorically received the candidate of Unión por la Patria, when around two in the followingnoon, he entered the patio of the building located in front of the Casa Rosada with a van. “Massa, president, Massa, president,” they also sang to him. The candidate and minister shook hands with many, hugged some and urged them to “continue defending the State as we have been doing.” He immediately went to the fourth floor to face the first day in the race towards the second round, which will be November 19.

Sergio Massa’s first official activity was talk to foreign media, very interested in speaking with the candidate who authoritatively won the first round with 37 points, but who at the same time is the Minister of Economy of a country that doubled inflation in the last year.

“Which “The world expects from Argentina balance, rationality and predictability.”Massa told them.

“I chose that my first press conference following the election was with foreign correspondents because it allows us to tell what is coming in terms of Argentina facing the world, to tell our look in terms of multilateralism and what the paths to follow will be from December 10”, Massa introduced himself. He later explained the benefits of the swap with China and defended relations with the Asian giant. A clear reply to Javier Milei’s position of breaking with China if he is elected president.

Regarding the elections, he highlighted the support of the female vote: “we get almost 45 percent among women.” He took the opportunity to contrast once more with Milei: “this reflects that those mothers who are worried regarding the future of their children, and do not want to live in a society where the sale of organs or the free carrying of weapons are part of the value system.” He differed once more from his libertarian contender when he confirmed that he will make arrangements for Pope Francis to visit Argentina in 2024.

Massa announced at the conference his first measures as minister following the elections: a new dollar for all exports for the next 30 days, DI say he wants a budget with a surplus for next year. He predicted growth of the economy. He described the agreement with the IMF as “inflationary” (as Cristina Fernández de Kirchner maintains).

The candidate insisted on the idea that he launched the same night that he came third in the PASO and reiterated it on Sunday in the victorious bunker of Unión por la Patria: the promise to move towards a government of national unity. “It seems like a mistake to propose that the next stage be linked only to Peronism,” he said, seeking to position himself in the center. “I am going to summon the best from the different political forces, regardless of their origin, because I believe that we have to build State policies,” he confirmed.

“Now it’s regarding expanding more and more,” they say in the ruling coalition. “We have to build a new majority“Massa had also said following the defeat in the PASO.

In Sunday night’s speech, Massa, alone on stage as evidence of his political centrality in UP, explained where he is aiming: He spoke to those who voted “for Miryam” and “for Juan”. “I want to speak to those thousands and thousands of radicals who share with us democratic values ​​such as public education, independence of powers. But I also want to speak to those who chose another option thinking regarding an Argentina at peace,” Massa completed the guest list.

Still There were no statements by radicals with leadership weightalthough for many the absence of Gerardo Morales, head of the national UCR, in the Together for Change campaign command was a sign of the times to come.

National deputy Miguel Bazze, once very close to Ricardo Alfonsín, has already warned that as a radical “it will be impossible for him to vote” for Milei. The historic Buenos Aires radical Facundo Suárez Lastra said the same thing. It had already been anticipated before the elections by fellow deputy Emiliano Yacobitti, a leader very close to Martín Lousteau. The president of the Buenos Aires JR, Agustín Robolá, announced that they will not go with the libertarians. Javier Milei, furthermore, seems to have served Unión por la Patria with the vote of the Alfonsinist radicals: “those who betrayed Bullrich were the radicals,” he said on Sunday night.

“There are already conversations with many Peronists from Cordoba,” a Massista leader told La Voz. The “Cordoban expansion” is quite a challenge. Massa, In his good national election, he had the worst records in Córdoba.

Conversations before the runoff

The national deputy Alejandro “Topo” Rodríguez, as a Peronist from Buenos Aires, accompanied Schiaretti. After congratulating Massa he said that he agrees with “his call for a government of national unity and his appeal for peace.”

Natalia De la Sota integrates the federal interblock with Rodríguez and also valued the proposal of national unity “to end this cracked Argentina,” he said.

“Schiaretti will not assume a right that he does not have. Each person will vote for the candidate they consider, it is a citizen’s right. Do you leave them free to act? How is he going to set them free, if he never had them tied up? ”They commented from Schiarettism.

The elected governor of Río Negro, Alberto Weretilneck, is not a member of Unión por la Patria but made it clear that he supports Massa, as does Rolando Figueroa, the new governor of Neuquén.

#Massa #prepares #runoff #construction #majority



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