Reverse engineering, an essential tool for promoting national production

2023-10-23 18:57:56

ALGIERS – Reverse engineering, a method which consists of analyzing an industrial system to deduce its functioning, represents an essential tool for the promotion of national production and the development of small and medium-sized industries, said Monday in Algiers the President of the Council national economic, social and environmental (CNESE), Sidi Mohammed Bouchenak Khelladi.

“By aligning our actions with the commitments of the President of the Republic, in particular commitment no. 13, which aims to promote national production and direct industrialization towards micro, small and medium-sized industries, reverse engineering becomes an essential tool to achieve these objectives”, underlined Mr. Bouchenak Khelladi during a Seminar on “the contribution of reverse engineering to the national technical ecosystem”, held in the presence of the Minister of Industry and Pharmaceutical Production, Ali Aoun and that of Professional Training and Education, Yacine Merabi.

According to him, “Algeria, despite its potential, faces inadequacies in its technological ecosystem, particularly in the field of engineering. These shortcomings hinder our ability to develop new products, deploy new industrial facilities and obtain certifications in accordance with international standards.

Thus, reverse engineering can play a “crucial” role in establishing the foundations of an efficient technological ecosystem and opens up opportunities for the creation of businesses and the diversification of sectors of activity, further believes the president of the CNESE .

Reverse engineering is defined as the analysis of a finished product to determine its internal functioning and the manufacturing method and to modify or reproduce all or part of the technical data which characterizes this product.

Concretely, it involves developing local prototypes using national knowledge and know-how, while developing technological transfer while respecting intellectual property, it was explained during the seminar.

This event, organized by the Council, had the main objective of raising awareness of the potential impact of reverse engineering on the technological ecosystem, as well as its role in industrial recovery, the reduction of imports and the promotion of local content.

It also aims to identify sectors with high added value to target as part of a national reverse engineering development program, while launching a collective reflection on the measures that public authorities might take to support national technological development, as well as the actions to take to implement a reverse engineering plan, while respecting intellectual property rights.

More than 1,600 applications for registration of new invention patents

On the sidelines of this meeting, the director general of the Algerian National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI), Abdelhafid Benmehdi, estimated in statements to the press that reverse engineering constituted an “opportunity” for startups and SMEs to develop certain technologies and in various sectors.

Along the same lines, the manager indicated that the practice of reverse engineering required technological monitoring which allows companies to have a “clear and precise” vision of the evolution of a sector and the segment it can develop to enable obtaining a patent for invention.

In this context, he indicated that the Institute had identified until last September, more than 1,600 applications for registration of new patents, filed by universities, institutes and companies.

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