Israeli Society Divided: Crisis After Hamas Raid – Calls for Netanyahu’s Resignation

2023-10-23 05:09:44

The British Guardian reported,HamasRaid causedIsrael1,400 people were killed, triggering raging anger in Israel, and the hostage issue aroused positive and negative opinions in society. Many former military and political leaders questioned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership and demanded his immediate resignation.

There are currently two factions in Israeli society regarding the hostage issue. One faction, led by some family members, begs the government to negotiate before launching ground operations, while the other faction believes that the problem should be solved by immediately sending troops to annihilate Hamas, even at the risk of sacrificing the lives of the hostages. .

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak said in an interview with the Observer that the Hamas raid was the deadliest setback Israel has suffered since the founding of the state. “Such a major destruction occurred during Netanyahu’s term. I don’t think the people believe that he has the ability to withstand the pressure and continue to lead the country. The attack was obviously a major oversight by the government and intelligence agencies, and the people have lost confidence in the National Defense Forces and the country.”

Former Israel Defense Forces chief of staff Dan Halutz bluntly said Netanyahu should “resign immediately,” while former intelligence officer Avi Melamed criticized the government’s “incompetence.”

Netanyahu has been in power for more than 16 years, and his efforts to reform the judiciary have also attracted criticism from the public and former military and political officials.

Previously, Netanyahu was involved in corruption trials for fraud, breach of public trust and accepting bribes, but he denied all charges.

According to the latest Israeli poll, 80% want Netanyahu to take responsibility for the Hamas raid; another poll earlier this month pointed out that 56% of the people believe Netanyahu should take the blame and resign following the conflict.

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