Effective Ways to Prevent and Treat Dark Circles Under the Eyes

2023-10-23 01:00:00

Rania Amer wrote Monday, October 23, 2023 04:00 AM

Black Halos Which appear under the eye and have different shades, due to several reasons, including the genetic factor and another psychological factor, in addition to malnutrition as well, while Dr. Hanan Nada, Professor of Dermatology at Kasr Al-Aini Medicine, Cairo University, recommended in a special statement to “The Seventh Day” several tips to prevent developing circles. .

Ways to prevent dark circles:

1. Use large black glasses that cover the entire eye area.

2. Use nourishing creams for the area around the eyes that contain vitamin C.

3. Sufficient sleep.

4. Drink plenty of water.

5. Follow a suitable healthy diet.

6. Exercise.

7. Reduce the use of chemical “powders” under the eyes.

8. Always massage around the eyes with cold water mixed with rose water.

9. Do not watch excessive television or laptop.

She explained that in the first stage of the patient’s circles, the doctor can give him some creams or some light sessions around the eyes, and even if they are moderate, we use peeling alongside the creams, or laser sessions, but in the severe stage, there is no response to treatment, whether with medications or sessions, and the goal in that stage is Limit its increase or decrease by one or two degrees only.

Dr. Hanan confirmed that having these dark circles does not cause any physical complications for the person suffering from them, and does not cause diseases to the body, but they cause severe psychological problems for the individual, and sometimes they reach the point of bullying, especially among children.

She pointed out that women are the groups most at risk of developing dark circles than men, then the elderly, and they sometimes appear in children as a result of a hereditary disease.

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